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Michael Adler edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Static parameters

Awb model can support static, build-time, parameters that are specified in a module’s .awb file as follows:




For example, in the module with awb-type foo, one would define a trace parameter as follows:

%provides foo

%param ENABLE_TRACE 0 "Enable an output debug trace"
%param TRACE_FILE "trace.out" "Trace file name"


Using the parameter

The example parameter can be used by including a file that is synthesized as part of the configuration process in a directory tree awb/provides/. The details are language specific:


The parameter is made available with the following #include directive:

#include "awb/provides/foo.h"

Then you will get a line that looks like:

#define ENABLE_TRACE 0
#define TRACE_FILE "trace.out"


The parameter is made available with the following `include directive:

`include awb/provides/foo.bsh

Then you will get a some lines that look like:

`define ENABLE_TRACE 0
`define ENABLE_TRACE_Z 0
`define TRACE_FILE "trace.out"

(I don’t know what the _Z convention is for).

Note: there are lots of `ifdef guards in foo.bsh so that you don’t try to recursively import the module being defined, so
you can even use the `include of foo.bsh in Foo.bsv.

Changing the value of the parameter

Parameters are specified in a model’s .apm file and can be set using the apm-edit program. Example needed…

The —global switch to the %param directive cause the parameter to be visible in the parent model when the module is part of a submodel in that model.