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Edit Fields

Taiko2k edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 14 revisions

This feature allows you to edit field metadata in Tauons local database, with optionally writing changes back to tags in files on disk.

Warning: If changes are not written to disk, there is risk of losing associated playcount, rating and love status, in the following conditions: (unless the same change is repeated)

  • You move the files then re-import.
  • You reset the player by deleting its app user data.
  • You migrate to a new installation by only moving star.p.
  • You edit tags of a network based track. (See below note)

Note: Using this feature on network source (e.g. Airsonic, Spotify) currently has no persistent effect because the data will be reset once network tracks are re-imported.

Important: If you intended to make heavy modifications without writing to tags, its highly recommended to make the occasional backup of Tauons user data folder, so your investment isn't lost in case of data corruption.

How to use

  1. After pressing Edit Fields... from any of the track menus, the Edit Field box will appear.

  2. Make changes to a field, then press Enter to apply the change to that field.

  3. (Optional) Press the "WRITE TAGS" button to save changes to physical audio files. Otherwise changes will be in local database only.

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