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Network source setup

Taiko2k edited this page May 30, 2022 · 28 revisions

You can import tracks from your PLEX, koel, Jellyfin or Subsonic compatible server such as Airsonic or Navidrome. (Funkwhale not supported).

To connect Tauon to your server:

  1. Make sure your server is setup, running and accessible.
  2. In Tauon, to go MENU > Settings > Accounts and click the tab button for your server type.
  3. Fill the relevant fields with your account information. Then click the Import music to playlist button.

Note: This playlist will not auto synchronize. To update, right click the playlist tab and click Regenerate.

Note: Server side playlists are currently not supported.

Airsonic + Note: If is enabled on both the Airsonic server and Tauon, you'll get double scrobbles. In this scenario, make sure to disable one or the other's scrobbling.

Warning: Having multiple source servers of the same type is not supported.

Warning: If you switch or reset your server, you must remove all existing playlists containing tracks from that server type. To be sure all network type tracks have been removed, you can go MENU > Database... > Remove Network Tracks.

AUR users: For PLEX, install python-plexapi package from AUR.

Tip: You can connect to your Nextcloud using the Subsonic API via Nextcloud Music.

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