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Find and Search

Taiko2k edited this page Oct 13, 2019 · 17 revisions

Global Search

The global search is always ready to go. Just start typing!

This search overlay shows results for albums, artists, tracks and genres from all playlists.

Use Up and Down keys to navigate shown results and press Enter to select.

  • Albums and tracks will be played.

  • For artists and genres, a new playlist will be created.

Tip: Right clicking a result will simply locate the track without playing.

Tip: You can add multiple items to the currently viewed playlist by holding Ctrl while clicking. Items already in the playlist are indicated with a yellow bar.

Find in Current Playlist

This find box only searches the current playlist. It can also create new playlists of matching results.

To use:

  1. Press \ or Ctrl + F to open the find box.
  2. Type search terms
  3. Use Up and Down keys to navigate any matching results in the playlist.

Tip: Press Shift + Enter to create a new playlist of all matching results

Tip: If you want to create a playlist of tracks of a single file type, open the find box and type the file extension, e.g. .ogg, then press Shift + Enter

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