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Flatpak Extra Steps

James edited this page May 30, 2024 · 16 revisions

If your music is located outside of ~Music you will need to add Flatpak permission to access that.

Topics covered:

File permission

GUI Way using Flatseal.

You can apply file permission easily using Flatseal.

  1. Install Flatseal (e.g. using your system store app)

    Screenshot from 2021-08-09 01-25-30

  2. Open Flatseal, Select Tauon in the left panel, then in the right panel scroll down to the Filesystem section.

    Screenshot from 2021-08-09 01-29-14

  3. There you can check any of the following, its up to you:

    • All system files
    • All user files
    • Add a custom filepath to Other Files
  4. Done! You can now close Flatseal and re-start Tauon Music Box.

Terminal way

Before running flatpak commands, determine if installed as USER or SYSTEM

Okay before we run any commands we need to check if the app was installed as USER or SYSTEM since commands on this page are for a USER type installation. If yours is SYSTEM, then omit the --user flag and run as sudo.

To check, run flatpak list, then check the Installation column for Tauon Music Box.

Granting file access

By default, file access is only granted for xdg-music and xdg-downloads, for any other location such as music from another drive mounted elsewhere, you'll need to grant explicit permission:

Run: flatpak override --user com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb --filesystem=/mnt/mymusic/ where /mnt/mymusic/ is the path to your music collection.

If Tauon is running, close and re-open to apply the change.

Edit with Picard

In order to be able to use the Edit with Picard feature, Tauon needs to be able to run commands on your host system, for this you'll need to grant full sandbox escape. To do so, run:

flatpak override --user com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak

Note: Omit --user and run as sudo if Tauon was installed to system rather than user

Note that only host installed Picard will work. Picard installed using Flatpak will not be detected.

Discord Rich Presence

Flatpak Tauon to non-Flatpack Discord:

flatpak override --user com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb --filesystem=xdg-run/discord-ipc-0

Note: Omit --user and run as sudo if Tauon was installed to system rather than user

Note: You may need to have Tauon running before Discord for RP to work, or vice-versa.

Non-Flatpak Tauon to Flatpak Discord:

ln -sf {app/com.discordapp.Discord,$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/discord-ipc-0

Note: Omit --user and run as sudo if Tauon was installed to system rather than user

Note: Effect may be lost on system reboot. Run before starting Tauon.

Flatpak Tauon to Flatpak Discord

No special configuration should be necessary.

To revert permissions

If you later want to revert to the default permissions, run:

flatpak override --user com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb --reset

Note: Omit --user and run as sudo if Tauon was installed to system rather than user

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