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Exteral Control and Media keys

Taiko2k edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 7 revisions

Local (Linux only)

Media keys

Media keys should be automatically handled by your DE and forwarded to media players using MPRIS2 via dbus. For GNOME and KDE, no extra configuration should be needed.


Using playerctl

You can use the app playerctl [Arch Linux] which uses MPRIS2 for greater control such as volume control, shuffle control etc.

Example command:

playerctl -p tauon play

Using dbus

If playerctl isn't working for you, you can also send commands over dbus manually using dbus-send.

Here is an example command for switching to the next song:

dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.tauon /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Next

Note: Tauon does not implement the tracklist or playlists MPRIS interface

Tauon launch option

There are also some Tauon launch commands you can use. The CLI command with an AUR install is tauon. For Flatpak use:

flatpak run com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb


--shuffle   (this toggles shuffle)
--repeat    (this toggles repeat)

For example:

tauon --pause

You can also open files, for example:

tauon ~/Music/Myalbum/mysong.mp3

Network/Advanced control

Android app

See here for known android remote control apps.

Using Tauon's HTTP API

For more advanced control for developers, you can use the remote API. See wiki page here. Note this needs to be enabled in Tauon in a setting.



Basic play/pause, stop, next, previous keyboard keys should work.


Media keys not currently supported on macOS.

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