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Keyboard Shortcuts

Taiko2k edited this page Nov 25, 2021 · 29 revisions

You can edit most of these by editing the input.txt file in the user data folder.

Delete your user input.txt file to reset to defaults. You may want to do this as new defaults are added over time.

Important Shortcuts:

Function Key
Global Search Type to trigger
Seek + and -
Go to playing "
Go to last playing Ctrl + "
Random Track ;
Random Album Alt + ;
Random Track Random Start /
Revert to previous track Shift + /
Cycle playlists Left and Right
Volume UP/DOWN Ctrl + Up / Down
Undo delete Ctrl + Z
Back and Advance Shift + Left / Right
Toggle gallery keyboard mode Tab
Toggle gallery view Mouse button 4
Toggle side panel Mouse button 5
Find in playlist \ or Ctrl + F
Remove selected track Delete
Toggle repeat ,
Toggle shuffle .

Other shortcuts:

Function Key
Show selected track info Ctrl + I
Show playing track info Ctrl + P
Create new playlist Ctrl + T
Delete current playlist Ctrl + W
Rename current playlist Ctrl + R
Add selected track to queue Alt + Q
Love / Un-love selected track Ctrl + L
Love / Un-love playing track Ctrl + Shift + L
Play Unbound
Play/Pause Space
Stop Unbound
Toggle columns Unbound
Toggle artist info Unbound
Toggle right side panel Unbound
Toggle left side panel ~ (tilde)
Toggle last left panel mode Unbound
Toggle playlist breaks F1
Cycle theme F2
Toggle auto theme F3
Quick locate playing artist F4
Toggle showcase view F5
Start Broadcast F6
Dev use only F7
Toggle Mini Mode F8
Show encoding output folder F9
Reload theme for use with editing F10
Fullscreen toggle F11
Not used F12
Jump to playlist n.o. Ctrl + 1 ... 9
Cycle layouts [ / ]
New playlist with generator Unbound
Search lyrics for selected track Unbound
Decrease window opacity Ctrl + -
Increase window opacity Ctrl + +
Quit Ctrl + Q
Clone this wiki locally