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User Data Files

Taiko2k edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 18 revisions

Locating the user data file directory

To locate the user data folder you can use the "Open data folder" button under "MENU" > "Settings". Otherwise, here are some common paths:

Platform Path
Linux AUR /home/<user>/.local/share/TauonMusicBox
Flatpak /home/<user>/.var/app/com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb/data/TauonMusicBox
Linux Git ./user-data
Windows C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\TauonMusicBox

Data files

There are two important files in this directory:

  • state.p Contains playlists, track database information and settings.

  • star.p Contains track play time and love information independent of the main database. See Keeping track of playcounts.

Tip: If you want to backup or move installation, you can copy this user data folder. If you only care about keeping playcounts/loves/ratings, you only need to keep star.p.

Resetting the application

Partial reset

Delete both the files state.p and state.p.backup and optionally tauon.conf (while app is closed). This will delete all playlists and reset most settings, but keeps track loves, play-counts and ratings.

Full reset

Delete all the files and folders in this folder (while app is closed). All related player data will be lost unless backed up.

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