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GeckoN edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 5 revisions

Represents a group of classes and functions.

Namespace: Reflection

The HTML documentation can be found here.


Method Description
Function@ FindGlobalFunction(const string& in szName, bool fSearchByDecl = false) Finds a global function. Searches by name by default, searches by declaration if fSearchByDecl is set to true.
uint GetGlobalFunctionCount() const ets the number of global functions.
Function@ GetGlobalFunctionByIndex(uint uiIndex) Gets the global function at the given index.
ObjectType@ FindObjectType(const string& in szName, bool fSearchByDecl = false) Finds an object type. Searches by name by default, searches by declaration if fSearchByDecl is set to true.
uint GetObjectTypeCount() const Gets the number of object types.
ObjectType@ GetObjectTypeByIndex(uint uiIndex) const Gets the object type at the given index.
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