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GeckoN edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 7 revisions

The sound system allows you to play sounds, sentences and sentence groups, complete with sound replacement.

HTML documentation can be found here.

Implemented in the CSoundEngine class.

A single global instance exists:

CSoundEngine g_SoundSystem;



Sound channels represent a number of audio channels that can simultaneously play sounds for any given entity. Note that despite what the name of some channels might imply, none of them are intended for any particular type of sound, with the exception of CHAN_STATIC due to its special behavior in networking code.

Channel Description
CHAN_AUTO Automatically selects a channel for use. You cannot stop sounds while using this channel with StopSound, or in conjunction with the SND_STOP flag.
CHAN_WEAPON Sound channel recommended for weapons.
CHAN_VOICE Sound channel recommended for voice (speaking).
CHAN_ITEM Sound channel recommended for items (pickup sounds, etc).
CHAN_BODY Sound channel recommended for body events (footsteps, clothes, etc).
CHAN_STREAM General purpose channel.
CHAN_STATIC Channel used for sounds that loop, or sounds that play for a long time (e.g. music). Is always sent to players, even if they are not within the Potentially Audible Set (i.e. outside of the audible range).
CHAN_NETWORKVOICE_BASE Reserved for player voice data. Do not use.
CHAN_NETWORKVOICE_END Reserved for player voice data. Do not use.

Sound flags

Constant Description
SND_VOLUME If set, a volume other than 1 is used. Do not use directly, automatically set.
SND_PITCH If set, a pitch other than 100 is used. Do not use directly, automatically set.
SND_ATTENUATION If set, an attenuation other than ATTN_NORM is used. Do not use directly, automatically set.
SND_ORIGIN If set, an origin is sent instead of using the entity origin. Do not use directly, automatically set.
SND_ENT If set, the sound is being played for an entity and its origin should be used. Do not use directly, automatically set.
SND_STOP Tells the client to stop playing a sound.
SND_CHANGE_VOL If set, instead of restarting the sound, just changes its volume.
SND_CHANGE_PITCH If set, instead of restarting the sound, just changes its pitch.
SND_SENTENCE If set, this is a sentence. Do not use directly, automatically set.
SND_REFRESH If set, the sound is refreshed so clients that previously did not receive the sound due to not being in the Potentially Audible Set (for all channels except CHAN_STATIC) or not on the server when the sound started (all channels) will still hear it.
SND_FORCE_SINGLE If set, the sound will not loop even if it normally would, e.g. if it has a cue point.
SND_FORCE_LOOP If set, the sound will loop even if it normally wouldn't, e.g. if it does not have a cue point.
SND_LINEAR If set, the given attenuation has linear falloff. See Attenuation.
SND_SKIP_ORIGIN_USE_ENT Don't send the sound's origin, instead, rely on entity index to re-create origin on client dll.


Attenuation affects sound falloff.

Falloff normally occurs between 64 and ( 4 / attenuation ) * 256. The flag SND_LINEAR can override this to provide a custom falloff range. When SND_LINEAR is used, the attenuation value is defined as follows: The lower 4 bits are minimum falloff, the higher 4 bits are maximum falloff. Minimum is multiplied by 256, maximum is multiplied by 256 and added to 32.

Constant Description
const float ATTN_NONE No attenuation is applied. Falloff is defined as minimum and maximum 10000. Equivalent to ambient_generic "play everywhere" flag.
const float ATTN_NORM Normal attenuation. Equivalent to ambient_generic "large radius" flag.
const float ATTN_IDLE Idle attenuation. Equivalent to ambient_generic "small radius" flag.
const float ATTN_STATIC Static attenuation. Equivalent to ambient_generic "medium radius" flag.


Pitch affects playback speed and can be used to simulate different voice depths.

Values are possible in the range [0, 255], where 255 is very high.

Constant Value Description
PITCH_NORM 100 Non-pitch shifted.
PITCH_LOW 95 Low pitch. Can be used for deep voices.
PITCH_HIGH 120 High pitch. Can be used for high voices (helium, children, etc).


Constant Description
const float VOL_NORM Normal volume level.



void PrecacheSound(const string& in szFilename)

This method allows you to precache a sound for use. Sounds must be precached in MapInit or an entity's Precache method.

The file path starts in sound/.

Argument Purpose
szFilename Name of the file to precache.


string FindSoundReplacementSample(CBaseEntity@ pEntity, const string& in szSample) const

Finds the sound replacement sample for the given entity and sample. If the sample is replaced, it will return the sample that is used instead. Otherwise, szSample is returned.

Both the entity's sound replacement file as well as the global file will be checked.

Argument Purpose
pEntity Entity whose sound replacement file will be checked. Must be valid.
szSample Sample to look up.


void PlaySound(edict_t@ entity, SOUND_CHANNEL channel, const string& in sample, float volume, float attenuation, int flags = 0, int pitch = PITCH_NORM, int target_ent_unreliable = 0, bool setOrigin = false, const Vector& in vecOrigin = g_vecZero)

Plays a sound. The sound is not considered for sound replacement.

Argument Purpose
pEntity Entity that the sound will be attached to. Sounds are played at the entity's origin.
channel Sound channel to use. An entity can have a sound playing on every channel it has at the same time. See SOUND_CHANNEL.
sample Name of the sound to play.
volume Volume to play the sound at. This value has a range of [0, 1], where 0 is muted, and 1 is maximum volume.
attenuation Attenuation. Values lie in the range [0, 4]. Higher values decrease the falloff range. See Attenuation.
flags Bit vector containing a number of flags. See Sound flags.
pitch Pitch to use. See Pitch.
target_ent_unreliable If not zero, this is the entity index of a player to send this sound to unreliably. Useful for non-critical sounds.
setOrigin If true, use the given origin to play the sound, instead of the entity origin.
vecOrigin If setOrigin is true, this is the origin in the world to play the sound at.


void StopSound(edict_t@ entity, SOUND_CHANNEL channel, const string& in szSample, const bool fUseSoundReplacement = true)

Stops a sound that is playing on the given entity's channel.

Argument Purpose
pEntity Entity whose sound will be stopped.
channel Sound channel to stop.
sample Name of the sound to stop.
fUseSoundReplacement Whether to use sound replacement to find the actual sample or not.


void EmitSoundDyn(edict_t@ entity, SOUND_CHANNEL channel, const string& in szSample, float flVolume, float flAttenuation, int iFlags = 0, int iPitch = PITCH_NORM, int target_ent_unreliable = 0)

Plays a sound on the given entity's channel. The sound may be sound replaced if there is a replacement sample provided by a replacement file.

Argument Purpose
pEntity Entity that the sound will be attached to. Sounds are played at the entity's origin.
channel Sound channel to use. An entity can have a sound playing on every channel it has at the same time. See SOUND_CHANNEL.
szSample Name of the sound to play.
flVolume Volume to play the sound at. This value has a range of [0, 1], where 0 is muted, and 1 is maximum volume.
flAttenuation Attenuation. Values lie in the range [0, 4]. Higher values decrease the falloff range. See Attenuation.
iFlags Bit vector containing a number of flags. See Sound flags.
iPitch Pitch to use. See Pitch.
target_ent_unreliable If not zero, this is the entity index of a player to send this sound to unreliably. Useful for non-critical sounds.


void EmitSound(edict_t@ entity, SOUND_CHANNEL channel, const string& in szSample, float flVolume, float flAttenuation)

Identical to EmitSoundDyn, but provides default values for omitted arguments.


void EmitSoundSuit(edict_t@ entity, const string& in szSample)

Play a specific sentence over the HEV suit speaker - just pass player entity, and !sentencename. Pitch is randomly calculated to fall around PITCH_NORM, volume is determined by the suitvolume cvar. Attenuation is ATTN_NORM.

Argument Purpose
entity Entity where the suit sound will be played. Can be any entity, not just a player.
szSample Sentence to play.


void EmitGroupIdSuit(edict_t@ entity, int isentencereg)

Play a sentence, randomly selected from the passed in group id, over the HEV suit speaker.

Argument Purpose
entity Entity where the suit sound will be played. Can be any entity, not just a player.
isentencereg Sentence group to play. Must be a sentence group id retrieved using the sound system's sentence methods.


void EmitGroupNameSuit(edict_t@ entity, const string& in szSample)

Play a sentence, randomly selected from the passed in groupname.

Argument Purpose
entity Entity where the suit sound will be played. Can be any entity, not just a player.
szSample Sentence group to select a sentence from.


int LookupSentenceIndex(const string& in sentenceName)

Looks up the sentence index of the given sentence.

Argument Purpose
sentenceName Name of the sentence to find.

Return value:

Sentence index if it was found, 0 otherwise.


int LookupSentenceGroupIndex(const string& in szGroup)

Looks up the sentence group index of the given sentence.

Argument Purpose
szGroup Name of the sentence group to find.

Return value:

Sentence group index if it was found, 0 otherwise.


int PlaySentenceGroup(edict_t@ entity, const string& in szGroupName, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch)

Plays a sentence from a sentence group. The sentence is randomly selected.

Argument Purpose
entity Entity where the sentence will be played.
szGroupName Group to select a sentence from.
volume Volume.
attenuation Attenuation.
flags Sound flags.
pitch Pitch.

Return value: Index of the sentence that was played, or -1 if no such sentence group exists.


int PlaySentenceGroup(edict_t@ entity, int iGroupIndex, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch)

Plays a sentence from a sentence group. The sentence is randomly selected.

Argument Purpose
entity Entity where the sentence will be played.
iGroupIndex Group index to select a sentence from.
volume Volume.
attenuation Attenuation.
flags Sound flags.
pitch Pitch.

Return value:

Index of the sentence that was played.


int PlaySentenceGroupSequential(edict_t@ entity, const string& in szGroupName, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch, int ipick, const bool bReset)

Plays a sentence group sequentially.

Argument Purpose
entity Entity where the sentence will be played.
szGroupName Name of the group to get the next sentence from.
volume Volume.
attenuation Attenuation.
flags Sound flags.
pitch Pitch.
ipick Sentence to pick.
bReset If true, the first sentence in the group will be used instead of ipick.

Return value:

Index of the sentence after the sentence that was played.


void EmitAmbientSound(edict_t@ entity, const Vector& in vecOrigin, const string& in szSample, float flVolume, float flAttenuation, int fFlags, int iPitch)

Plays an ambient sound. Ambient sounds use CHAN_STATIC.

Argument Purpose
pEntity Entity that the sound will be attached to. Sounds are played at the entity's origin.
vecOrigin Origin to play the sound at.
szSample Name of the sound to play.
flVolume Volume to play the sound at. This value has a range of [0, 1], where 0 is muted, and 1 is maximum volume.
flAttenuation Attenuation. Values lie in the range [0, 4]. Higher values decrease the falloff range. See Attenuation.
iFlags Bit vector containing a number of flags. See Sound flags.
iPitch Pitch to use. See Pitch.


float PlayHitSound(TraceResult& in tr, const Vector& in vecSrc, const Vector& in vecEnd, int iBulletType)

Plays a hit sound based on the trace result's hit target. Returns the volume at which the hit is being played.

Argument Purpose
tr Traceline to use.
vecSrc Starting point for texture trace. Typically the location where a bullet is being fired from, or where a melee weapon starts its trace from.
vecEnd End point for texture trace. Typically the location that defines the end position that a bullet traceline goes to, or where a melee weapon ends its trace at.
iBulletType See the Bullet enum.
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