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william-p edited this page Sep 18, 2012 · 4 revisions

For start Canopsis on boot you can use /opt/canopsis/etc/init.d/canopsis as init script.

Create symlink

ln -s /opt/canopsis/etc/init.d/canopsis /etc/init.d/

RHEL and CentOS

Add script to startup process

chkconfig --add canopsis

Check configuration

chkconfig | grep canopsis

Debian and Ubuntu

Add script to startup process

update-rc.d canopsis defaults

Control daemons

Now you can use init script for start, stop, restart and status

Usage: /etc/init.d/canopsis {start|stop|restart|status}

# service canopsis status
State of canopsis:
amqp2engines                     RUNNING    pid 21469, uptime 0:23:02
apsd                             RUNNING    pid 21489, uptime 0:22:55
celeryd                          RUNNING    pid 21479, uptime 0:22:58
collectd                         RUNNING    pid 21559, uptime 0:22:43
rabbitmq-server                  RUNNING    pid 20918, uptime 0:24:12
webserver                        RUNNING    pid 21530, uptime 0:22:48
websocket                        RUNNING    pid 21500, uptime 0:22:52
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