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william-p edited this page Sep 21, 2012 · 1 revision

Create your custom files

In order to customize canopsis you must create your own files in /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/. The easiest way is to make a copy of header.html and footer.html then rename them, for exemple myCompanyHeader.html , myCompanyFooter.html .

cp /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/header.html /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/myCompanyHeader.html
cp /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/footer.html /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/myCompanyFooter.html

Now put your logo (if you want one) in the same folder, your logo must be around 50px tall to fit in the header.

cp my_company_log.png /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/my_company_log.png

Edit header

In header and footer page you can put all the html you want. It's rendered by wkhtmltopdf as a part of the webpage. In the marker change the src name for the one of your file, and delete the 'style' attribut :


<img src="logo_canopsis.png" style="height:58;width:150"/><br/>


<img src="my_company_logo.png"/><br/>

Edit wkhtmltopdf_wrapper.json

In this file you need to change to line, first the header line, just replace the file name.

vim /opt/canopsis/etc/wkhtmltopdf_wrapper.json


"header" : "--header-html /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/header.html",


"header": "--header-html /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/myCompanyHeader.html",

Same process for the footer file

Before :

"footer": "--footer-html /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/footer.html",

After :

"footer": "--footer-html /opt/canopsis/var/wkhtmltopdf/myCompanyFooter.html"
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