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william-p edited this page Feb 14, 2013 · 2 revisions


## General points

  • In the following document when there is an ':' in url it means that this value is a variable that you must provide .
  • Each webservice anwser with a json object with the following scheme :
    'total': int,        // The total of data returned (ex: if 5 accounts were found, the total is 5).
    'success': bool,     // If the request is a success or not. In case of failure the output message is given in data field.
    'data': array        // Usually an array.
  • If an error occurred the webservice return the appropriate HTTP error with the python exception as comment.


GET : /rest/:namespace/:ctype/:_id GET : /rest/:namespace/:ctype GET : /rest/:namespace Main service to get any canopsis database record.

  • arguments :

namespace - mongo collection used ctype (optional) - Canopsis type record ('account','group','view',etc ...). _id (optional) - Requested item id.

  • GET arguments :

limit (default 20) - Number of item in answer. start (default 0) - Start index of the answer (ex: in a list of 100 you can start from the index 40 to the specified limit). search (optional) - String that the object id must contain. filter (optional) - Mongo filter to add to general filter. sort (optional) - Sorting option DESC/ASC. query (optional) - String that the object name must contain. onlyWritable (optional) - Only return object writable by the account. ids (optional) - List of the requested items id. _id (optional) - The id of the requested item.

POST : /rest/:namespace/:ctype/:_id POST : /rest/:namespace/:ctype Main service to create any database record.

  • arguments :

namespace - mongo collection used ctype (optional) - Canopsis type record ('account','group','view',etc ...). _id (optional) - Item id.

  • POST arguements :

The full object in json form to insert in database.

PUT : /rest/:namespace/:ctype/:_id PUT : /rest/:namespace/:ctype Main service to update any database record.

  • arguments :

namespace - mongo collection used ctype - Canopsis type record ('account','group','view',etc ...). _id (optional) - Item id.

  • PUT arguments :

the object with its id (if not given in url) and all the field to modify

DELETE : /rest/:namespace/:ctype/:_id DELETE : /rest/:namespace/:ctype Main service to delete any database record.

  • arguments :

namespace - mongo collection used ctype - Canopsis type record ('account','group','view',etc ...). _id (optional) - Item id.

  • DELETE arguments :

the id of the item to removed in a json object

Account webservice

GET : /account/me Use to know if you're logged and to retrieve your personnal informations (they're returned in the data field)

  • arguments : None
  • result : The user account in json object form

recheck this one POST : /account/setConfig/:_id Use to change one value of the current user record.

  • arguments :
  • result : The status of the request

GET : /account/getAuthKey/:account_name Use to retrieve your unique authentication key

  • arguments : account_name - the name of the account that you want the key
  • result : the authkey in a json object

GET : /account/getNewAuthKey/:account_name Use to get a new authentication key for account in the url

  • arguments : account_name - the name of the account that you want a new key
  • result : the new authkey in a json object

GET : /account/:account_id Use to retrieve an account or the full list of account

  • arguments : account_id(optionnal) - use to request only one account
  • GET arguments : those arguments are optionnal

limit - the maximal length of returned list (default: 20) start - the request start index (ex: the second page of 60 item long list is between the index 20 and 40)

  • result : list of account

POST : /account/ Use to create or update a new account

  • POST arguments :

data - json object with information to build the account, if the id already exist the old account is updated with the new provided options.

  • result : no result (implanted soon)

DELETE : /account/:account_id Delete and account

  • arguments : account_id - the id of the account to remove
  • result : return an httpError 404 if not found

POST : /account/addToGroup/:group_id/:account_id Add an account to a group

  • arguments : The id of group/account
  • result : standart json output or http error with corresponding error in output

POST : /account/removeFromGroup/:group_id/:account_id Remove an account from a group

  • arguments : The id of group/account
  • result : standart json output or http error with corresponding error in output

Auth webservice

GET : /auth/:login/:password Used to log into canopsis

  • GET arguments :

password - the password cryptedKey - set true if the given password is hashed with sha1 + hexdigest + timestamp (strongest security) shadow - set true if the given password is hashed with sha1 + hexdigest

  • result : return http error if auth failed or log user in

GET : /autoLogin/:key Log user with his authkey

  • arguments : the personal authkey
  • result : json object with account or http error

GET /logout GET /disconnect Logout the user, clean connection cookie and close session

  • arguements : none
  • result : json object with success

Event webservice

POST : /event/ POST : /event/:routing_key Used to post an event, then the event is process by engines like standard supervision event.

  • arguments : routing_key (optional) - you can provide the routing key in the url, or put the elements in POST form
  • POST arguements :

connector connector_name event_type source_type component resource state state_type (default : 1) perf_data (optional) perf_data_array (optional) output (optional) long_output (optional)

File webservice

GET : /files/:file_metaId GET : /files Use to retrieve file. Give the whole list of files if metaId not given.

  • arguments: file_metaId - This id is returned by all webservices dealing with file
  • result : file, or list of file in json format

POST : /files Update the name of a file.

  • POST arguments :

metaId - The file to update metaId. file_name - The new file name.

DELETE /files/:file_metaId Delete a file.

  • arguments : file_metaId - the file to remove metaId.

Perfstore webservice

POST : /perfstore/values POST : /perfstore/values/:start/:stop Use to get metrics on the specified time

  • arguments :

start - the timestamp used like a beginning index stop - the timestamp used like an ending index

  • POST arguments :

nodes - list of metric nodes requested interval (optional) - the interval time between two points aggregate_method (optional) - the used method for aggregate points, mean/max/min/last/first/delta (Mean by default) use_window_ts (optional) - use the timestamp of the time window

GET : /perfstore/get_all_metrics Used to get the full list of metrics

  • GET arguments :

limit - the max number of returned result (default : 20) start - the start index (default : 0) search - string that metrics must contain

Reporting webservice

Get : /reporting/:startTime/:stopTime/:view_name/:mail Get : /reporting/:startTime/:stopTime/:view_name Used to launch a view export and optionally send it by mail.

  • arguments :

startTime - timestamp used as beggening time index. stopTime - timestamp used as ending time index. view_name - the name of the view to export. mail (optional) - the recipient email.

  • result : json file with action success state

POST : /sendreport Used to send a report file to an email recipient.

  • arguments :

recipients - List of recipients _id - Id of the file to send body - body of the email subject - subject of the email

  • result : json file with action success state

POST : /export_svg Webservice used by highchart in order to export graph to svg file.

  • POST arguments:

filename - The svg file name svg - SVG file result : return svg file

Right webservice

PUT : /rights/:namespace/:_id Change object owner/rights.

  • arguments :

namespace - Mongo collection used. _id - Id of item to modify access.

  • PUT arguements:

aaa_owner (optional) - New item owner. aaa_group (optional) - New item group. aaa_access_owner (optional) - New w/r owner rights. aaa_access_group (optional) - New w/r group rights. aaa_access_other (optional) - New w/r other rights.

View webservice

GET : /ui/view Get view tree.

  • arguments : None
  • result : View tree as json object.

DELETE : /ui/view/:name Delete view.

  • arguments :

name - The name of the view to delete.

POST : /ui/view POST : /ui/view/:name Used to create/update a view.

  • arguments :

name (optional) - View name.

  • POST arguments :

The view as json object (with field to update in case of update).

GET : /ui/view/export/:_id Used to get a json file with the specified view

  • arguments :

_id - Id of the view to export.

  • result : The json file corresponding to the view.

Widgets webservice

GET : /ui/widgets Get widget list.

  • arguments : None
  • result : List of widgets with their configuration

GET : /ui/widgets.css Compile all widget css.

  • arguments : None
  • result : A compiled css file of all widget css.