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Send Event With Perl

TriD edited this page Jun 5, 2013 · 2 revisions


Install Net::RabbitFoot

cpan -i Net::RabbitFoot

Install JSON::XS

cpan -i JSON::XS


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::RabbitFoot;
use JSON::XS;

my $connector_name = "rrd";
my $component = "MACHINE_TEST35";
my $resource = "RESOURCE_TEST";
my $output = "Refreshing Resource Perf Data";
my $timestamp = time;
my $perf_data_metric = "used";
my $perf_data_unit = "Hz";
my $perf_data_value = 10.8;
my $perf_data_type = "GAUGE";

my $hash = {
	"connector_name" => $connector_name,
	"event_type" => "log",
	"source_type" => $resource,
	"component" => $component,
	"resource" => $resource,
	"state" => 0,
	"state_type" => 1,
	"output" => $output,
	"timestamp" => $timestamp,
	"perf_data_array" => [{
		"metric" => $perf_data_metric, 
		"unit" => $perf_data_unit, 
		"value" => $perf_data_value,
		"type" => $perf_data_type

my $json = JSON::XS->new->utf8->space_after->encode ($hash);

my $connect = Net::RabbitFoot->new()->load_xml_spec()->connect(
	host => '',
	port => 5672,
	user => 'guest',
	pass => 'guest',
	vhost => 'canopsis',

my $channel = $connect->open_channel();

###To send many events, put your loops here ...
	exchange => '',
	routing_key => "cli.".$connector_name.".log.".$resource.".".$component.".".$resource,
	body => $json,
### End of loop ! (rebuild your json in this loop if you want to use it)
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