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Event Requalification

root edited this page Nov 22, 2013 · 1 revision


Some supervisors use differents status code for their check results. If we want to connect one of those supervisor to Canopsis, we need to convert its status codes to the standard used in Canopsis :

  • 0 for OK
  • 1 for WARNING
  • 2 for CRITICAL
  • 3 for UNKNOWN

Canopsis use a state map to resolve the standardized status code from any original status code. A state map contains a list of codes associated to a Canopsis status, for example :

  • 0 associated to OK
  • 1 associated to WARNING
  • 2 associated to WARNING
  • 3 associated to CRITICAL
  • 4 associated to CRITICAL
  • 5 associated to CRITICAL
  • 6 associated to UNKNOWN

When you create a derogation with a state map, every new event, matching the derogation's filter, will have a new field real_state set to the original state of the event, and the field state will be updated accordingly to the state map defined (if the code is not in the state map, then UNKNOWN is used).


Create a state map

Go to the Statemap Manager available in the menu "Run" ...

... in otder to open the state map manager view ...

... and click on the add button, you'll see the following form :

Click on the Add button to add a new state association :

  • in the first column, set the state code to associate ;
  • in the second column, set the corresponding Canopsis state ;
  • the third column is used to remove the association.

NB: If you set two associations like this :

  • 0 associated with OK
  • 2 associated with CRITICAL

Then, automatically, the state code 1 will be associated with UNKNOWN.

Integration with derogation

see Derogation

In the tab "Requalificate", you will see the list of all your state maps, just select the one you want.

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