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Graph widgets options

gwenaelp edited this page Dec 17, 2013 · 5 revisions

Customizing metrics

It is possible to define custom display behaviors for each selected metric. To access those settings, go to the "customize metrics" tab on the widget options.

Metrics customization options are quite different for Bar graphs and Line Graphs.

Line graph metric options

  • Curve type : [Default, Line, Area]
  • Custom label : The label to be displayed on the graph for the current metric
  • Curve color : The color of the line
  • Area color : The color of the colored area below the curve
  • Trend : Defines whether a trend line should be displayed on the graph for this curve
  • Unit : Specifies an unit for the current metric
  • Y axis : Defines the horizontal position of the current metric vertical axis
  • Custom warning threshold : Custom warning threshold of the metric. When this value is set, it overrides the default warning threshold, and it displays a horizontal line on the graph to help visually see if the curve is above or below the threshold. Note that the "Warn/crit threshold lines" option should be enable in the "options" advanced tab for lines to be visible on the graph.
  • Custom critical threshold : Overrides the critical threshold of the metric, and displays a horizontal line on the graph (like the custom warning threshold option). Note that the "Warn/crit threshold lines" option should be enable in the "options" advanced tab for lines to be visible on the graph.

Bar graph metric options

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