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Releases: iced-rs/iced


26 Nov 16:28
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Game of Life Cryptowatch Desktop

New features

Thank you! 🎉


15 Apr 07:15
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  • Settings::with_flags to easily initialize some default settings with flags. #266
  • Default implementation for canvas::layer::Cache. #267
  • Ctrl + Del support for TextInput. #268
  • Helper methods in canvas::Path to easily draw lines, rectangles, and circles. #293
  • From<Color> implementation for canvas::Fill. #293
  • From<String> implementation for canvas::Text. #293
  • From<&str> implementation for canvas::Text. #293


  • new method of Radio and Checkbox now take a generic Into<String> for the label. #260
  • Frame::fill now takes a generic Into<canvas::Fill>. #293
  • Frame::stroke now takes a generic Into<canvas::Stroke>. #293
  • Frame::fill_text now takes a generic Into<canvas::Text>. #293


  • Feature flags not being referenced in documentation. #259
  • Crash in some graphics drivers when displaying an empty Canvas. #278
  • Text measuring when spaces where present at the beginning of a TextInput value. #279
  • TextInput producing a Clip primitive when unnecessary. #279
  • Alignment of Text primitive in iced_wgpu. #281
  • CursorEntered and CursorLeft not being generated. #289


  • Unnecessary 'static lifetimes in Renderer bounds. #290


02 Apr 16:57
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New features

More examples

  • bezier_tool, a Paint-like tool for drawing Bézier curves using lyon.
  • clock, an application that uses the Canvas widget to draw a clock and its hands to display the current time.
  • counter, the classic counter example explained in the README.
  • custom_widget, a custom widget that draws a circle.
  • download_progress, a basic application that asynchronously downloads a dummy file of 100 MB and tracks the download progress.
  • events, a log of native events displayed using a conditional Subscription.
  • geometry, a custom widget showcasing how to draw geometry with the Mesh2D primitive in iced_wgpu.
  • integration, an example demonstrating how to integrate Iced in an existing graphical application.
  • pane_grid, a grid of panes that can be split, resized, and reorganized.
  • pokedex, an application that displays a random Pokédex entry (sprite included!) by using the PokéAPI.
  • progress_bar, a simple progress bar that can be filled by using a slider.
  • styling, an example showcasing custom styling with a light and dark theme.
  • solar_system, an animated solar system drawn using the Canvas widget and showcasing how to compose different transforms.
  • stopwatch, a watch with start/stop and reset buttons showcasing how to listen to time.
  • svg, an application that renders the Ghostscript Tiger by leveraging the Svg widget.

Thank you! 🎉


25 Nov 14:24
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0.1.0-beta Pre-release


  • The old iced becomes iced_native. The current iced crate turns into a batteries-included, cross-platform GUI library.


05 Sep 11:17
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0.1.0-alpha Pre-release


  • First release! 🎉