A curated list of awesome articles, tutorials and resources dealing with React Native.
Inspired by awesome-go, which was in turn inspired by awesome-python.
Many thanks to everyone on the contributor list :)
- Articles
- Components
- [Utilities] (#utilities)
- [Libraries] (#libraries)
- Examples
- Tutorials
- Videos
- Releases
- React Native: Bringing modern web techniques to mobile
- First impressions using React Native
- React Packager README.md
- 60 fps on the mobile web
- Parse and React (incl. Native)
- React Native: Initial Thoughts (opinion)
- A Dynamic Crazy Native Mobile Future Powered by Javascript
- ReactNative NES & More
- React Native Installation and Setup
- Diary of Building an iOS App with React Native
- autoresponsive-react-native - A Magical Layout Libary For React
- react-native-swiper - The best Swiper component for React Native.
- React Parts - a catalog of React Native components
- react-native-button
- react-canvas
- react-native-svg
- react-native-icons, video
- react-active-community A list of community-built React Native contributions
- react-native-looped-carousel Create looped carousel of views or images
- react-native-progress-hud A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your React Native app
- react-native-snippets
- exp.host - Use React Native without XCode (a previewer app + local server infrastructure)
- [Ruby React Native (via Opal)(https://github.com/zetachang/opal-native) - Use Ruby for building React Native apps
Get a head start on development with an existing seed.
- tcomb-form-native - Generate React Native forms
- Github repo examples
- Hacker News iOS
- ReactNativeHackerNews
- Premier League
- Buyscreen sample
- NewsWatch video viewer
- Native iOS font list
- Confreaks
- iOS Conference App made with React Native
- Alt/Flux Demo
- Dribbble React Native
- Official React Native tutorial
- Introducing React Native (on Ray Wenderlich's)
- Facebook Login With React Native
- Enabling Live Reload
- Building Custom React Native Components From Scratch
- Custom Native iOS Views with React Native
- Embedding in existing apps
- React Native Fundamentals
- React Conf 2015: Introducing React Native
- React Conf 2015: A Deep Dive into React Native
- F8 2015: React Native and Relay
- Generate React Native Forms with
- Let's build a React Native app in 20 minutes and Gist
- Egghead.io: React Native Fundamentals
- Pluralsight.com: Build iOS Apps with React Native