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Kubermatic 2.20


GitHub release: v2.20.16


  • Patch cilium v1.11 to latest patch release (v1.11.16) (#12273)


GitHub release: v2.20.15

Action Required


  • Fix calculation of node CPU utilisation in Grafana dashboards for multi-core nodes (#12081)


  • Pull kas-network-proxy/proxy-server:v0.0.33 and kas-network-proxy/proxy-agent:v0.0.33 image from instead of legacy GCR registry ( (#12135)


GitHub release: v2.20.14


  • Fix a bug where ccm/csi migrated clusters on vSphere have a partially deployed csi validating webhook (#11911)
  • Include tunneling agent IP in apiserver's TLS cert SANs (#11956)
  • Set proper NodePort range in Cilium config if non-default range is used (#11977)


GitHub release: v2.20.13


  • Update machine-controller to v1.45.6 and operating-system-manager (OSM) to v0.4.6. containerd is updated to v1.6 (from 1.4) and Docker is updated to 20.10 (from 19.03) (#11796)


  • Update Anexia CCM (cloud-controller-manager) to version 1.5.1 (#11750)


GitHub release: v2.20.12


  • Fix an issue where creating Clusters through ClusterTemplates failed without leaving a trace (the ClusterTemplateInstance got deleted as if all was good) (#11601)
  • Fix yet another API error in extended disk configuration for provider Anexia (#11603)
  • Use seed proxy configuration for seed-controller-manager (#11631)
  • Add support for kube-dns configmap for NodeLocal DNSCache to allow customization of dns. Fixes an issue with a wrong mounted Corefile in NodeLocal DNSCache (#11664)


  • Stop overriding upstream chart tolerations for logging/promtail by default, adding toleration (#11592)


GitHub release: v2.20.11

Action Required

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Use instead of for Kubernetes upstream images. It might be necessary to update firewall rules or mirror registries accordingly (#11391)


  • Disable promtail initContainer that was overriding system fs.inotify.max_user_instances configuration (#11382)
  • Fix duplicate SourceRange entries for front-loadbalancer Service (#11369)
  • Fix missing etcd metrics in Grafana etcd dashboards and master/seed Prometheus by renaming to: etcd_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytes, etcd_mvcc_delete_total, etcd_mvcc_put_total, etcd_mvcc_range_total, etcd_mvcc_txn_total (#11439)
  • Prioritise public IP over private IP in front LoadBalancer service (#11512)


  • Update to etcd 3.5.6 for Kubernetes 1.22+ to prevent potential data inconsistency issues during online defragmentation (#11405)
  • Update nginx-ingress to 1.5.1; this raises the minimum supported Kubernetes version for master/seed clusters to 1.21 (#11417)
  • Update Dex to 2.35.3 (#11420)
  • Update OpenStack Cinder CSI to v1.23.4 and v1.22.2 (#11456)
  • Update machine-controller to v1.45.5 (#11546)
  • Add support for Kubernetes v1.22.17 and v1.23.15 (#11555)
  • Add etcd database size alerts EtcdDatabaseQuotaLowSpace, EtcdExcessiveDatabaseGrowth, EtcdDatabaseHighFragmentationRatio(#11559)


GitHub release: v2.20.10

This release includes updated Kubernetes versions that fix CVE-2022-3162 and CVE-2022-3294. For more information, see below. We strongly recommend upgrading to those Kubernetes patch releases as soon as possible.


  • Adding finalizer to Cluster resources can no longer remove other finalizers (#11323)
  • Remove digests from Docker images in addon manifests to fix issues with Docker registry mirrors / local registries. KKP 2.22 will restore the digests and properly support them (#11240)


Upcoming Changes

  • For the next series of KKP patch releases, image references will move from to This will be done to keep up with latest upstream changes. Please ensure that any mirrors you use are going to host and/or that firewall rules are going to allow access to to pull images before applying the next KKP patch releases. This is not included in this patch release but just a notification of future changes.


GitHub release: v2.20.9


  • Fixes Openstack api/v1/providers/openstack/tenants API endpoint for some cases where "couldn't get projects: couldn't get tenants for region XX: couldn't get identity endpoint: No suitable endpoint could be found in the service catalog." was wrongly returned (#10968)
  • Fix Seed-Proxy ServiceAccount token not being generated (#11190)


  • Set PriorityClassName of konnectivity-agent and openvpn-client to system-cluster-critical (#11140)


  • Update konnectivity to v0.0.33 (#11080)


GitHub release: v2.20.8


  • etcd-launcher is now capable of automatically rejoining the etcd ring when a member is removed during the peer TLS migration (#9322)
  • Fix usercluster-controller crashing when .status.userEmail on Cluster objects is not set (#11047)
  • Fix API error in extended disk configuration for provider Anexia (#11051)


GitHub release: v2.20.7

API Changes

  • Extend disk configuration for provider Anexia (#10915)


  • Add additional header to prevent KKP dashboard from being shown in an iframe (#4796)
  • Allow proxy mode change by CNI migration (#10717)
  • Fix an issue with vSphere CSI driver using improved-csi-idempotency that's currently not supported by KKP (#10792)
  • Fix kubermatic-webhook failing to start on external seed clusters (#10959)
  • Update KubeVirt logo to mark technology preview (#4810)


  • Add support for Kubernetes 1.22.15, 1.23.12; existing clusters using these Kubernetes releases will be automatically updated as any previous version is affected by CVEs (#11028)


  • Update OpenStack version for k8s 1.23 to fix services ports mapping issue (#11037)
  • Update machine-controller to v1.45.4 (#10915)


GitHub release: v2.20.6


  • Fix etcdbackup controller constantly updating the EtcdBackupConfig status (#10650)
  • Fix finalizers on clusters sometimes getting overwritten by the cloud controller or cluster-credentials controller (#10536)
  • Fix handling custom annotations for the front-loadbalancer Service (#10436)
  • Fix reconcile loop in AllowedRegistry controller (#10644)


  • Update Canal 3.21 version to v3.21.6 (#10491)
  • Update Canal 3.22 version to v3.22.4 (#10499)
  • Update ec2-instances-info to a newer version to include newer AWS EC2 instances (#10653)
  • Update machine-controller to v1.45.3 (#10628)


GitHub release: v2.20.5


  • Update Canal 3.21 to v3.21.5 (#10271)
  • Update Canal 3.22 to v3.22.3 (#10272)
  • Update Konnectivity to v0.0.31 (#10112)
  • Update OSM to v0.4.5 (#10273)
  • Update machine-controller to v1.45.2 (#10399)


  • Add --skip-dependencies flag to kubermatic-installer that skips downloading Helm chart dependencies (requires chart dependencies to be downloaded already) (#10348)
  • Fix automatic Canal version upgrade for clusters with k8s 1.23+ (#10308)
  • Making telemetry UUID field optional (#9900)
  • OSM deployment image repo and tag override (#10123)
  • Use as the default registry for Canal CNI images, bump Canal v3.20 version to v3.20.5 (#10305)
  • etcd backup files are named differently (foo-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss to foo-YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss.db) to improve compatibility with different storage solutions (#10143)


GitHub release: v2.20.4


  • Fix addon variables not being persisted (#10010). During the KKP 2.20.0 upgrade, addon variables were removed by accident (i.e. spec.variables is set to null for all Addon resources) and need to be restored from the pre-migration backup.
  • Fix deprecated nodePortProxy annotations (in spec.nodePortProxy.annotations in a Seed object) being ignored (#10008)
  • Fix probes, resources and allow overriding resource requests/limits for Konnectivity proxy via components override in the cluster resource (#9911)


  • Add External Snapshotter for Openstack and vSphere CSI (#10066)
  • Containerd container runtime mirror registries support for OSM (#10134)
  • Update ingress-nginx to 1.2.1 (#10036)


GitHub release: v2.20.3


  • Add support for Kubernetes 1.23 (#9836)
  • Add support for Kubernetes 1.21.12 and 1.22.9 (default Kubernetes version is now 1.21.12) (#9884)
  • Fix Mutating webhook for None CNI (#9737)
  • Fix an issue where helm invocations by the kubermatic-installer ignored most environment variables (#9876)
  • Fix telemetry CronJob not producing data (#9740)
  • Fix kubermatic-installer: improve error handling when building helm chart dependencies (#9851)
  • Update cluster-autoscaler (1.20 to 1.20.2, 1.21 to 1.21.2, 1.22 to 1.22.2) (#9836)
  • image-loader loads more images that were missing before (OpenStack CSI, user-ssh-keys-agent, operatingsystem-manager) (#9871)


GitHub release: v2.20.2

With this patch release, etcd for Kubernetes 1.22+ is upgraded to etcd 3.5.3. Data consistency issues as reported in previous release notes are fixed. Warnings and recommendations related to that can be considered withdrawn for this release.

  • Add support for configuration annotations and loadBalancerSourceRanges for front-loadbalancer service of node port proxy (#9486)
  • For the Seed CR, spec.nodeportProxy.annotations is deprecated and spec.nodeportProxy.envoy.loadBalancerService.annotations should be used instead (#9486)
  • The Image-loader utility now includes all the images used by KKP, considering also the provider-specific ones (e.g., CCM, CSI) (#9518)
  • Enable the "vsphereCSIClusterID" feature flag when running the CCM/CSI migration (#9557)
  • For Kubernetes 1.22 and higher, etcd is updated to v3.5.3 to fix data consistency issues as reported by upstream developers (#9606)
  • The flag --kubelet-certificate-authority (introduced in KKP 2.19) is not set for "kubeadm" / "bringyourown" user clusters anymore (#9674)


GitHub release: v2.20.1

This patch release enables etcd corruption checks on every etcd ring that is running etcd 3.5 (which applies to all user clusters with Kubernetes 1.22). This change is a recommendation from the etcd maintainers due to issues in etcd 3.5 that can cause data consistency issues. The changes in this patch release will prevent corrupted etcd members from joining or staying in the etcd ring.

To replace a member in case of data consistency issues, please:

Please be aware we do not recommend enabling etcd-launcher on existing Kubernetes 1.22 environments at the time. This is due to the fact that the migration to etcd-launcher requires several etcd restarts and we currently recommend keeping the etcd ring as stable as possible (apart from the restarts triggered by this patch release to roll out the consistency checks).


  • For user clusters that use etcd 3.5 (Kubernetes 1.22 clusters), etcd corruption checks are turned on to detect etcd data consistency issues. Checks run at etcd startup and every 4 hours (#9480)


GitHub release: v2.20.0

Before upgrading, make sure to read the general upgrade guidelines. Consider tweaking seedControllerManager.maximumParallelReconciles to ensure usercluster reconciliations will not cause resource exhaustion on seed clusters.


  • Migrate API group to (#8783). This change requires a migration of all KKP master/seed clusters. Please consult the upgrade documentation for more information.
  • Full Nutanix support(#8428)

Supported Kubernetes Versions

  • 1.20.13
  • 1.20.14
  • 1.21.8
  • 1.22.5

Breaking Changes

  • Add Canal CNI v3.22 support & make it the default CNI. NOTE: Automatically upgrades Canal to v3.22 in clusters with k8s v1.23 and higher and older Canal version (#9258)
  • Restore correct labels on nodeport-proxy-envoy Deployment. Deleting the existing Deployment for each cluster with the LoadBalancer expose strategy if upgrading from affected version is necessary (#9060)
  • Secret name for S3 credentials updated to kubermatic-s3-credentials. If the secret s3-credentials was manually created instead of using the minio helm chart, new secret kubermatic-s3-credentials must be created (#9242)
  • The etcd-backup-related containers are now loaded dynamically from the KubermaticConfiguration, the relevant CLI flags like -backup-container=<file> have been removed. The deprecated configuration options KubermaticConfiguration.spec.seedController.backupRestore and Seed.spec.backupRestore have been removed. Please migrate to Seed.spec.etcdBackupRestore (#9003)
  • etcd backup API now requires destination to be set for EtcdBackupConfig, EtcdRestore and BackupCredentials endpoints (#9139)


  • Automatic upgrades from Kubernetes 1.19.* to 1.20.13 work as intended now (#8821)
  • Correctly handle the 'default' Nutanix project in API calls (#9336)
  • Fix AWS cloud provider cleanup sometimes getting stuck when cleaning up tags (#8879)
  • Fix Konnectivity authentication issue in some scenarios by fixing cluster-external-addr-allow apiserver network policy (#9224)
  • Fix Preset API Body for preset creation and update API calls (#9298)
  • Fix OpenVPNServerDown alerting rule to work as expected and not fire if Konnectivity is enabled (#9216)
  • Fix apiserver network policy: allow all egress DNS traffic from the apiserver (#8788)
  • Fix applying resource requirements when using incomplete overrides (e.g. specifying only limits, but no request for a container) (#9045)
  • Fix bad owner references for ClusterRoleBindings (#8858)
  • Fix installation issue with charts/logging/loki (error evaluating symlink) (#8823)
  • Fix missing snapshot CRD's for cinder CSI (#9042)
  • ICMP rules migration only runs on Azure NSGs created by KKP (#8843)
  • If a network is set in the Hetzner cluster spec, it is now correctly applied to generated machines (#8872)


  • Add allowed IP range override support to the GCP, Azure, AWS, and OpenStack providers (#4318)
  • Add option to get kubeconfig for external clusters (#4164)
  • Add support for Nutanix provider (#4145)
  • Admins can define default Rule Groups in Admin Settings (#3971)
  • Redesign cluster summary step. Update error notifications and event colors styling (#4141)
  • Support for application credentials in OpenStack preset (#4192)
  • Update OS default disk size to 64GB for the Azure provider when RHEL OS is selected (#4318)


  • Add Nutanix CSI support (#9104, #4251)
  • Add vsphereCSIClusterID feature flag for the cluster object. This feature flag changes the cluster-id in the vSphere CSI config to the cluster name instead of the vSphere Compute Cluster name provided via Datacenter config. Migrating the cluster-id requires manual steps (docs link to be added) (#9265)
  • Add credential validation for Hetzner and Equinixmetal (#9051)
  • Add endpoints to v2 KKP API to query Nutanix clusters, projects and subnets (#8736)
  • Do not reference Nutanix cluster in KKP API endpoint path for subnets (#8906)
  • Ensure existing cluster have .Spec.CNIPlugin initialized (#8829)
  • Metric kubermatic_api_init_node_deployment_failures was renamed to kubermatic_api_failed_init_node_deployment_total. Metric kubermatic_cloud_controller_provider_reconciliations_successful was renamed to kubermatic_cloud_controller_provider_successful_reconciliations_total (#8763)
  • Remove deprecated fields from CRD types (#8961)
  • Support custom Pod resources for NodePort-Proxy pod for the user cluster (#9015)
  • Support for network:ha_router_replicated_interface ports when discovering existing subnet router in Openstack (#9164)
  • Unused flatcar update resources are removed when no Flatcar Nodes are in a user cluster (#8745)
  • Update example values and KubermaticConfiguration to respect OIDC settings (#8851)
  • Update machine-controller to v1.45.0 (#9293)
  • Update OSM to 0.4.1 (#9329)