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The github action of dree. After a special comment in the README, injects the directory tree of the repository made with dree
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This github action is mainly used to generate a nice directory tree representation of the github repo in markdown files, injected where a specific comment is specified.

Project purpose

In many Github projects it is nice to put a directory tree representation in the README, to give an overview of the structure of the project, without making a user to inspect the various files and folders. This action does exactly this: it's basic usage generates a directory tree representation of the repository and injects it in the README file, where a specific comment is specified. It is also customizable, so you can choose which markdown file should be injected, which comment triggers the injection and other options, (e.g. exclude some files/folders from the tree representation).


This action is based on the dree npm module. Indeed, the config file that can be specified is the same config file that could be provided to that module.


Let's suppose that this is your markdown file:

# My project

A description of my project

## Directory tree

[//]: # (dree)

The result will be something like:

# My project

A description of my project

## Directory tree

[//]: # (dree - BEGIN)
 └─> sample
     ├─> prova1
     │   └── secondo.yml
     ├─> prova2
     │   ├── ciao.html
     │   └── pippo.txt
     └─> prova3
         ├─> terzo
         │   └── quarto.ts
         └── quinto.js
[//]: # (dree - END)


A simple example:

name: release

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
            ref: main
      # This is how you use the ga-dree action
      - name: Inject dree
        uses: 'euberdeveloper/ga-dree@main'

      # In this step the changes to the branch are committed
      - name: Commit changes
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
          commit_message: "docs: inject dree (automated commit)"
          branch: main

A more advanced exmaple:

name: release

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
            ref: main
      # This is how you use the ga-dree action
      - name: Inject dree
        uses: 'euberdeveloper/ga-dree@main'
            showMadeWithDree: 'false' # Does not add "Made with dree"
            config: './docs/dree-config.json' # The path to the config file for the package dree
            comment: 'my-custom-dree-comment' # The comment that triggers the injection of the dree tree
            root: './source' # The root directory of the generated tree
            exclude: 'node_modules' # The files/folders to exclude from the tree
            targetPath: './docs/' # The path of the file where the tree should be injected

      # In this step the changes to the branch are committed
      - name: Commit changes
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
          commit_message: "docs: inject dree (automated commit)"
          branch: main


Supported Parameters

Parameter Description Default
targetPath A direct path to the markdown file with the comment where the directory tree will be injected ./
comment The comment that will be replaced with the directory tree. Note: it will be of the format [//]: # (comment) dree
root The directory to be scanned .
config The path to the dree configuration file undefined
showMadeWithDree Add the "Made with dree" text after the dree text true
exclude The paths that will be excluded from the directory tree, separated by comma (note: overwritten by the config file) .git/**

Note: If config is specified, exclude is ignored.

How does it works

How is it made

Internally, the action is written in Typescript, tested with Jest and bundled with EsBuild.

Steps that are followed

This is what it happens under the hood:

  • The action options are parsed
  • The action generates the tree representation of the repository, by considering the options regarding dree and the tree representation
  • The action generates the markdown that will be injected, in particular, it adds the "made with dree" if specified and the "begin-end" comments for the subsequent injections
  • The action injects the markdown in the specified markdown file, comment added by the users will be replaced by the directory tree and the begin-end comments, while already present begin-end comments will be replaced, with their content, with the new injected markdown.


There is the assumption that the begin-end comments are added consistently, so there is no new "begin" comment before another "begin" comment is not closed, or there is no new "end" comment before a "begin" comment is opened.


The commits are pushed to the branch dev, after that an action will generate the bundle and push everything in the branch main. For versioning, releases are manually created.

ga-dree is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


The github action of dree. After a special comment in the README, injects the directory tree of the repository made with dree



ga-dree is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.