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GLIX Action – the Git Log Identifier eXtractor

This action extracts all Jira issue keys from a certain git commit and its relevant parents
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GLIX Action – the Git Log Identifier eXtractor

This action extracts all Jira issue keys from a certain git commit and its relevant parents

The regex is based on Atlassian Documentation.


  • commitId: the ID (sha) of the relevant commit
  • mainBranch: the main branch of the repo (e.g. "master" or "main")
  • baseDir: (optional) the path of the git repo to use


  • issueKeys: the found Jira issue keys from all commit messages separated by a comma (e.g. TEST-1,TEST-2)


Most of you probably use "actions/checkout@v2" (or v3) to checkout the repo in the action run. By default that action uses a fetch-depth of 1, so only the last commit is fetched. This plugin "walks" the repository so we need more commits. Therefore you have to define a higher fetch-depth so we have a certain git history. A good value for example would be 30. Values higher than 50 don't make sense as the plugin caps logs to 50 elements.

Example usage

- uses: actions/checkout@v3
    fetch-depth: '30'
- uses: levigo/github-action-glix@v1.0
  id: glix
    commitId: ""
    mainBranch: "master"

Usage with "Jira create and set fix version"

Here is an example on how to extract the issueKey from the commit messages and set the same fix version for all those Jira issues.

  - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      fetch-depth: '30'

  - uses: levigo/github-action-glix@v1.0
    id: glix
      commitId: ${{ github.sha }}
      mainBranch: "master"

  - uses: levigo/github-action-jira-fixversion@v1.0
      domain: ""
      username: ""
      password: "fmpUJkGhdKFvoTJclsZ03xw1"
      versionName: "1.0.5"
      versionDescription: "Continuous Delivery Version"
      issueKeys: ${{ steps.glix.outputs.issueKeys }}

GLIX Action – the Git Log Identifier eXtractor is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


This action extracts all Jira issue keys from a certain git commit and its relevant parents

GLIX Action – the Git Log Identifier eXtractor is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.