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GitHub Action

Org Knit

v0.3 Latest version

Org Knit


Org Knit

Weave and Tangle Org files


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Org Knit

uses: tecosaur/org-knit-action@v0.3

Learn more about this action in tecosaur/org-knit-action

Choose a version

Org knit

Let someone else take care of keeping up to date tangled/woven versions of your Org files for public consumption.

- name: Export org files
  uses: tecosaur/org-knit-action@v0.3
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


parameter (default)

Parameter types

can be true / false or yes / no
can be a single value, comma separated values (without quotes), or a python list as a string.


config (boolean or list: false)
Path to either an init.el file, or a repository url (i.e. ends with .git) for ~/.emacs.d. This also recognises Doom configuration repositories (~/.config/doom).
setup_file (boolean or list: false)
URL for a #+setupfile to use in all Org files.
eval (boolean or list: false)
Whether to evaluate code in Org files. Also accepts a list of globs specifying which Org files should be evaluated.
tangle (boolean or list: false)
Whether to run org-tangle for each Org file. Also accepts a list of globs specifying which Org files should be tangled.
export (list: html)
Comma separated list of formats to export to.
files (list: **/*.org)
List of org file globs to act on.


github_token (string)
The GITHUB_TOKEN secret. Required to push any result.
branch (string: default branch)
The branch to push files to
force_orphan (boolean: false)
Force-push the created commit as the only commit on the branch.
keep_files (boolean or list: true)
Whether to include non-org-related files. Also accepts a list of globs.
commit_message (string: Knit: !#!)
Commit message to use. !#! is replaced with the triggering commit hash.
fragile (boolean: true)
Fail the action if any export/tangle steps fail.

Example actions

In each of the examples below, a simple preamble like so is assumed.

name: "Export"
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

Export to HTML documentation

- name: Export Org files to GitHub Pages
  uses: tecosaur/org-knit-action@v0.3
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    branch: gh-pages
    # add PDFs
    # export: html, pdf

Include tangled files in Repository

- name: Tangle Org files
  uses: tecosaur/org-knit-action@v0.3
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    tangle: yes