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Michael Farrell edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 9 revisions

ERG was an Australian developer of automated fare collection systems. They renamed to Videlli in 2009. The assets of the business were sold to Vix in 2008.

There are a number of MIFARE Classic based ticketing systems built by ERG.

Metrodroid implements support for Manly Fast Ferry in v2.9.22. There is a "generic" reader in v2.9.33, which also supports Metrocard (Christchurch).

Agency IDs / Deployments

Agency ID Name Quirks
0x0136 Metrocard (Christchurch) Card number is printed in decimal
0x0227 Manly Fast Ferry Card number is printed in hexadecimal


The card technology is MIFARE Classic.

  • Sector 0 has a well known Key A (FF FF FF FF FF FF).
  • All other sectors have a Key A and Key B which are unique to each individual card.

Some MIFARE Plus cards in Classic compatibility mode are in circulation, however all cards can be cracked with either the Nested or Hardnested attacks.

Sector Layout

Sector Block Content
0 0 MIFARE UID and manufacturer information
0 1 Preamble: card magic, sometimes contains serial number
0 2 Metadata: agency ID, card epoch, serial number
1-2 all Unknown
3 all Balance (contained in 2 of 3 blocks)
4 2 Purse record
5-7 all Purse record
8 all Empty
9-11 all Purse record
12-15 all Empty


All data on the card is big endian. Record lengths are shown in bytes, inclusive of the first and last bytes, unless otherwise specified.

Preamble record

First Last Length Field description
0 6 7 Magic: 32 32 00 00 00 01 01
10 13 4 Card number; some older cards don't use this field, and have the first three bytes set to 0x00 instead.
14 15 2 0F FF

Metadata record

First Last Length Field description
2 3 2 Agency ID
5 6 2 Card epoch, expressed in days since 2000-01-01
7 10 4 Card number

Balance records

First Last Length Field description
1 2 2 Transaction number (higher is more recent)
5 6 2 Agency ID (not present on Metrocard (Christchurch))
7 8 2 00 00 -- other values here indicate a different record type
11 14 4 Balance, in cents.

Purse records

First Last Length Field description
1 2 2 Agency ID (Metrocard (Christchurch) may use this to refer to operators)
3 3 1 See Purse record types
4 7 4 Timestamp of transaction.
8 11 4 Value of the transaction, in cents.

Purse record types

Type Description
0x02 Free transfer marker (Christchurch) ??
0x08 Purse credit (Christchurch, Manly)
0x09 Purse debit (Manly)
0x0D Purse debit (Christchurch)

Timestamp format

Timestamps are 32 bits long. Values expressed in bits.

First Last Length Field description
0 19 20 Days since card epoch
20 31 12 Minutes since midnight
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