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Releases: open-policy-agent/opa


26 Apr 18:43
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This is a bug fix release addressing the following issues:

  • ci: Pin GitHub Actions macos runner version. The architecture of the GitHub Actions Runner macos-latest was changed from amd64 to arm64 and as a result darwin/amd64 binary wasn't released (#6720) authored by @suzuki-shunsuke
  • plugins/discovery: Update comparison logic used in the discovery plugin for handling overrides. This fixes a panic that resulted from the comparison of uncomparable types (#6723) authored by @ashutosh-narkar


25 Apr 17:21
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  • The minimum version of Go required to build the OPA module is 1.21

This release contains a mix of features, a new builtin function (json.marshal_with_options()), performance improvements, and bugfixes.

Breaking Change

Bootstrap configuration overrides Discovered configuration

Previously if Discovery was enabled, other features like bundle downloading and status reporting could not be configured manually.
The reason for this was to prevent OPAs being deployed that could not be controlled through discovery. It's possible that
the system serving the discovered config is unaware of all options locally available in OPA. Hence, we relax the configuration
check when discovery is enabled so that the bootstrap configuration can contain plugin configurations. In case of conflicts,
the bootstrap configuration for plugins wins. These local configuration overrides from the bootstrap configuration are included
in the Status API messages so that management systems can get visibility into the local overrides.

In general, the bootstrap configuration overrides the discovered configuration. Previously this was not the case for all
configuration fields. For example, if the discovered configuration changes the labels section, only labels that are
additional compared to the bootstrap configuration are used, all other changes are ignored. This implies labels in the
bootstrap configuration override those in the discovered configuration. But for fields such as default_decision, default_authorization_decision,
nd_builtin_cache, the discovered configuration would override the bootstrap configuration. Now the behavior is more consistent
for the entire configuration and helps to avoid accidental configuration errors. (#5722) authored by @ashutosh-narkar

Add rego_version attribute to the bundle manifest

A new global rego_version attribute is added to the bundle manifest, to inform the OPA runtime about what Rego version (v0/v1) to
use while parsing/compiling contained Rego files. There is also a new file_rego_versions attribute which allows individual
files to override the global Rego version specified by rego_version.

When the version of the contained Rego is advertised by the bundle through this attribute, it is not required to run OPA with the
--v1-compatible (or future --v0-compatible) flag in order to correctly parse, compile and evaluate the bundle's modules.

A bundle's rego_version attribute takes precedence over any applied --v1-compatible/--v0-compatible flag. (#6578) authored by @johanfylling

Runtime, Tooling, SDK

  • compile: Fix panic from CLI + metadata entrypoint overlaps. The panic occurs when opa build was provided an entrypoint from both a CLI flag, and via entrypoint metadata annotation. (#6661) authored by @philipaconrad
  • cmd/deps: Improve memory footprint and execution time of deps command for policies with high dependency connectivity (#6685) authored by @johanfylling
  • server: Keep default decision path in-sync with manager's config (#6697) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • server: Remove unnecessary AST-to-JSON conversions (#6665) and (#6669) authored by @koponen-styra
  • sdk: Allow customizations of the plugin manager via SDK (#6662) authored by @xico42
  • sdk: Fix issue where active parser options aren't propagated to module reload during bundle activation resulting in errors while activating bundles with v1 syntax (#6689) authored by @xico42
  • plugins/rest: Close response body in OAuth2 client credentials flow (#6708) authored by @johanneslarsson

Topdown and Rego

  • ast: Import rego.v1 in v0 support modules when applicable (#6450) authored by @johanfylling
  • rego: Set query Rego version from configured imports (#6701) authored by @johanfylling
  • topdown: New json.marshal_with_options() builtin for indented/"pretty-printed" and/or line-prefixed JSON (#6630) authored by @sean-r-williams

Docs, Website, Ecosystem

  • Add Raygun to ecosystem projects (#6712) authored by @johndbro1
  • Add env0 to ecosystem projects (#6658) authored by @yarivg
  • Add Rego Language Comparisons to ecosystem projects (#6663) authored by @charlieegan3
  • docs/configuration: Tidy up headers in Services section (#6695) authored by @tsandall
  • docs: Use cuboid rather than cube to explain concepts of sets and composite values in policy-language section of documentation (#6691) authored by @kd-labs


  • go.{mod,sum}: Update the go stanza of OPA's go.mod to go 1.21. OPA, used as Go dependency, requires at least go 1.21, and thus works with all officially supported Go versions (1.21.x and 1.22.x) (#6678) authored by @srenatus
  • ci: Update Github Actions for Node 20. This change updates the upload-artifact and download-artifact Github actions to the latest version (v4) (#6670) authored by @philipaconrad
  • build: Update WASM Rego test generation docker command to address CVE-2022-24765 in Git (#6703) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • Dependency updates; notably:
    • build(go): bump 1.22.1 -> 1.22.2 (#6672) authored by @srenatus
    • build(deps): bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0
    • build(deps): bump from 1.7.14 to 1.7.15
    • build(deps): bump from 0.5.0 to 0.6.1
    • build(deps): bump from 0.22.0 to 0.24.0
    • build(deps): bump from 1.62.1 to 1.63.2


28 Mar 16:33
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This release contains a mix of features, performance improvements, and bugfixes.

Runtime, Tooling, SDK

Topdown and Rego

  • topdown: Adding a new crypto.x509.parse_and_verify_certificates_with_options built-in function. (#5882) authored by @yogisinha reported by @IxDay
  • format: Preserve brackets around set union operation (#6588) authored by @ashutosh-narkar reported by @HarshPathakhp
  • aws: Support for Unsigned Payload or provided content sha256 in AWS signing (#6581) authored by @prasanthj

Docs + Website + Ecosystem


  • chore: Remove repetitive words (#6644) authored by @occupyhabit
  • Dependency updates; notably:
    • build(deps): bump from 1.7.13 to 1.7.14
    • build(deps): bump from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4
    • build(deps): bump from 1.62.0 to 1.62.1


06 Mar 10:37
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This is a security fix release for the fixes published in Go 1.22.1.

OPA servers using --authentication=tls would be affected: crafted malicious client certificates could cause a panic in the server.

Also, crafted server certificates could panic OPA's HTTP clients, in bundle plugin, status and decision logs; and http.send calls that verify TLS.

This is CVE-2024-24783 (

Note that there are other security fixes in this Golang release, but whether or not OPA is affected is harder to assess. An update is advised.



29 Feb 17:24
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  • The minimum version of Go required to build the OPA module is 1.20

This release contains a mix of improvements and bugfixes.

Runtime, Tooling, SDK

  • cmd: Add environment variable backups for command-line flags (#6508) authored by @colinjlacy
  • download/oci: Add missing WithBundleParserOpts method to OCI downloader (#6571) authored by @slonka
  • logging: avoid %!F(MISSING) in logs by skipping calls to the {Debug,Info,Warn,Error}f functions when there are no arguments (#6555) authored by @srenatus

Topdown and Rego

  • ast+cmd: Allow bundle to contain calls to unknown Rego functions when inspected (#6591) authored by @johanfylling
  • topdown/http: Respect raise_error flag during input validation (#6553) authored by @ashutosh-narkar

Docs + Website + Ecosystem

  • Add OpaDotNet to ecosystem projects (#6554) authored by @me-viper
  • Add updated logos for and OPAL (#6562) authored by @danielbass37
  • docs: Update description of the url path usage when accessing values inside object and array documents for v1/data GET and POST (#6567) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • docs: Use application/yaml instead of application/x-yaml as the former is now a recognized content type (#6565) authored by @anderseknert


  • Add Elastic to (#6568) authored by @orouz
  • Dependency updates; notably:
    • bump golang 1.21.5 -> 1.22 (#6595) authored by @srenatus
    • bump from 1.61.0 to 1.62.0
    • bump from 0.19.0 to 0.21.0
    • bump from 1.7.12 to 1.7.13
    • bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.16.1 to 0.17.0
    • bump from 1.18.0 to 1.19.0
    • bump from 1.1.0-rc5 to 1.1.0-rc6


25 Jan 13:34
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This release contains a mix of new features and bugfixes.

Runtime, SDK

  • Adding --v1-compatible flag to all previously unsupported command line commands (#6520) authored by @johanfylling
  • Don't load files in tarball exceeding size_limit_bytes (#6514) authored by @anderseknert reported by @dolevf
  • Allow TLS cipher suites to be set for the OPA server (#6537) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • Removing deprecated fields and functions related to rego-v1 compatibility (#6542) authored by @johanfylling
  • bundle: Make func newDescriptor and withCloser public (#6517) authored by @antgubarev
  • runtime/logging: Do not panic when rctx is missing (#6506) authored by @srenatus


  • topdown: Clean expired http.send cache entries periodically (#5320) authored by @rudrakhp reported by @lukyer



  • linters+testdata: Reformat all yaml testcases for linting. (#6511) authored by @philipaconrad
  • Dependency updates, notably:
    • bump from 1.7.11 to 1.7.12
    • bump from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1
    • bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
    • bump from v1.16.0 to v1.18.0
    • bump from 1.60.1 to 1.61.0


21 Dec 10:41
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Runtime, Tooling, SDK

  • OPA can be run in 1.0 compatibility mode by using the new --v1-compatible flag. When this mode is enabled, the current release of OPA will behave as OPA v1.0 will eventually behave by default. This flag is currently supported on the build, check, fmt, eval and test commands (#6478) authored by @johanfylling
  • Extend the telemetry report to include the minimum compatible version of policies loaded into OPA (#6361) co-authored by @srenatus and @ashutosh-narkar
  • server: Support fsnotify based reloading of certificate, key and CA cert pool when they change on disk (#5788) authored by @charlieegan3
  • Add option on the unit test runner to surface builtin errors. This should help with debugging errors generated while running unit tests (#6489) authored by @jalseth
  • Fix issue in opa fmt where the assignment operator and term in the rule head of chain rules are removed from the re-written rule head (#6467) authored by @anderseknert
  • cmd/fmt: Replace dependency on diff tool with an external golang library function (#6284) authored by @colinjlacy

Topdown and Rego

  • topdown/providers: Preserve user provided http headers in the builtin command (#6456) authored by @c2zwdjnlcg
  • rego: Allow custom builtin function registration to provide a description for the builtin (#6449) authored by @lcarva
  • ast+cmd: Allow bundle to contain calls to unknown functions when inspected (#6457) authored by @johanfylling


  • Add section on the changes proposed for a future OPA v1.0 and update Rego examples to be OPA v1.0 compliant(#6453) authored by @johanfylling
  • Clarify behavior of the sprintf builtin command when used with the %T marker (#6487) authored by @lcarva

Website + Ecosystem


  • Update Makefile to allow custom GOFLAGS to be provided to the golang executable (#6458) authored by @cova-fe
  • Dependency updates; notably:
    • bump golang 1.21.4 -> 1.21.5 (#6460) authored by @srenatus
    • bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.14.0 to 0.16.0
    • bump from 1.7.9 to 1.7.11
    • bump from 1.59.0 to 1.60.1
    • bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0


30 Nov 15:49
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This release adds tooling to help prepare existing policies for the upcoming OPA 1.0 release.
It also contains a mix of improvements, bugfixes and security fixes for third-party libraries.


  • All published OPA images now run with a non-root uid/gid. The uid:gid is set to 1000:1000 for all images. As a result
    there is no longer a need for the -rootless image variant and hence it will not be published as part of future releases.
    This change is in line with container security best practices. OPA can still be run with root privileges by explicitly setting the user,
    either with the --user argument for docker run, or by specifying the securityContext in the Kubernetes Pod specification.

Rego v1

The upcoming release of OPA 1.0, which will be released at a future date, will introduce breaking changes to the Rego language. Most notably:

  • the keywords that currently must be imported through import future.keywords into a module before use will be part of the Rego language by default, without the need to first import them.
  • the if keyword will be required before the body of a rule.
  • the contains keyword will be required when declaring a multi-value rule (partial set rule).
  • deprecated built-in functions will be removed.

This current release (0.59.0) introduces a new --rego-v1 flag to the opa fmt and opa check commands to facilitate the transition of existing policies to be compatible with the 1.0 syntax.

When used with opa fmt, the --rego-v1 flag will format the module(s) according to the new Rego syntax in OPA 1.0.
Formatted modules are compatible with both the current version of OPA and 1.0.
Modules using deprecated built-ins will terminate formatting with an error. Future versions of OPA will support rewriting applicable function calls with equivalent Rego compatible with 1.0.

When used with opa check, the --rego-v1 flag will check that the modules are compatible with both the current version of OPA and 1.0.

Relevant Changes

Runtime, Tooling, SDK

Topdown and Rego

  • ast: Allowing packages to be declared within the dynamic extent of a rule (#6387) authored by @johanfylling
  • ast: Disallow root document shadowing in leading term of rule refs (#6291) authored by @johanfylling
  • topdown: Add a new builtin function strings.render_template to render templated strings (#6371) authored by @RDVasavada
  • topdown/crypto: Add URIStrings field to JSON certs (#6416) authored by @charlieegan3 reported by @kenjenkins
  • ast: change ident token string (#6435) authored by @tsandall


  • chore: Fix IDE warnings and remove usage of several deprecated fields. (#6397) authored by @willbeason
  • chore: Disable verbose output in wasm-sdk-e2e-test (#6434) authored by @tsandall
  • deps: group otel deps (#6407) authored by @srenatus
  • test: add environment variable tests (#6420) authored by @robhafner
  • Docs & Website:
  • Dependency updates; notably:
    • golang from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4
    • OpenTelemetry (contrib) 1.21.0/0.46.1


26 Oct 22:37
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  • All published OPA images now run with a non-root uid/gid. The uid:gid is set to 1000:1000 for all images. As a result
    there is no longer a need for the -rootless image variant and hence it will not be published as part of future releases.
    This change is in line with container security best practices. OPA can still be run with root privileges by explicitly setting the user,
    either with the --user argument for docker run, or by specifying the securityContext in the Kubernetes Pod specification.

This release contains a mix of performance improvements, bugfixes and security fixes for third-party libraries.

Runtime, Tooling, SDK

  • cmd/test: Display lines not covered if code coverage threshold not met in verbose reporting mode (#2562) authored by @johanfylling
  • cmd/test: Don't round up test coverage calculation as it could lead to inaccurate code coverage results (#6307) authored by @anderseknert
  • cmd/fmt: Don't format functions without a value to include = true as it is implied (#6323) authored by @anderseknert
  • server: Remove deprecated partial query parameter from REST API. This option has been deprecated since v0.23.0 (#2266) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • Add support for configurable prometheus buckets for the http_request_duration_seconds metric (#6238) authored by @AdrianArnautu
  • plugins/bundle: Update bundle plugin state on a reconfigure operation when existing bundle is not modified (#6311) authored by @asadk12
  • internal/pathwatcher: Fix how paths to watch by a fsnotify watcher are determined to avoid monitoring unintended directories and files (#6277) authored by @ashutosh-narkar

Topdown and Rego

  • topdown: Fix issue with build optimization producing support modules with forbidden characters in first var of rule ref (#6338) authored by @johanfylling
  • topdown: Fix panic in build optimization when policy contains rules with a general ref in the head (#6339) authored by @johanfylling
  • topdown: Avoid unnecessary conversion of small numbers by caching them and thereby helping to speed up some arithmetic operations (#6021) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • ast+rego: Disable compiler stages for IR-based eval paths (#6335) authored by @srenatus
  • built-in/walk: Skip path creation if path is assigned a wildcard to achieve faster walk-ing (#6267) authored by @anderseknert
  • ast: Add regression test for edge case where partial rule hides recursion cycle (#6318) authored by @johanfylling


  • Drop EXPERIMENTAL status of reported prom metrics (#6298) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • Update documentation on GCS bundles for case where the resource (the object in the GCS bucket) contains slashes (/) or other special characters (#6264) authored by @dennisg
  • Provide a more clear description of negation in the policy language section (#6275) authored by @gusega

Website + Ecosystem

  • Fix un-versioned built-in docs issue so that only the built-ins for a given doc version are displayed (#6269) authored by @charlieegan3


  • ci: Remove hub tool in GitHub workflows in favor of GitHub CLI tool (#6326) authored by @ashutosh-narkar
  • Dependency updates; notably:
    • bump modules (#6292) authored by @cksidharthan
    • aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0
    • from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7
    • from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
    • from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0
    • from 1.58.2 to 1.59.0 (addresses vulnerability GHSA-m425-mq94-257g)
    • from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1
    • from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0


18 Oct 12:27
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This is a bug fix release addressing the following security issues:

Golang security fix GO-2023-2102

A malicious HTTP/2 client which rapidly creates requests and immediately resets them can cause excessive server resource consumption.

OpenTelemetry-Go Contrib security fix CVE-2023-45142

Denial of service in otelhttp due to unbound cardinality metrics.