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How to change Persepolis theme

AliReza AmirSamimi edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 8 revisions

You can change theme or icons in Persepolis.

1- form edit menu select preferences.

2- change style , color scheme or icons .

In different operating systems , you have different style options. but Fusion style is available in all of operating systems.

Fusion style with "Dark Fusion" color scheme is recommended for MS Windows.

3- Restart Persepolis.

If you use GTK+ desktop environments(Gnome, Cinammon, Mate, XFCE, Budgie, ...), we recommend you to install adwaita-qt package.This package help you to get a uniform look between persepolis and the other applications in your desktop environments.

In ArchLinux:

  yaourt -S adwaita-qt5

In Debian,Ubuntu, Mint ,... :

  sudo apt-get install adwaita-qt

In Fedora:

  sudo dnf install adwaita-qt

After installing this package you can select adwaita style.

operating system: ArchLinux + KDE >> Style: Breeze , Color Scheme: System


operating system: Mac OSX , Style: Macintosh , Color Scheme: System


operating system: MicroSoft Windows , Style: Fusion , Color Scheme: Dark Fusion


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