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Batch pipeline steps r86

Mike Jongbloet edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

This documentation is outdated!

🚧 The latest setup guidance for Snowplow can be found on the Snowplow documentation site.

This page refers to Snowplow R86 and earlier

Click here for the corresponding documentation for other releases

Dataflow diagram

Recovery steps

The below table summarizes the actions to be taken at each particular step failure from the dataflow diagram above.

Failed step Recovery actions
1 If no files have been moved yet (raw:processing [A] is empty), rerun the EmrEtlRunner as usual. If (on the other hand) some files have already been moved, rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option to proceed with processing of those log files.
2 Rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option.
3 Rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option.

Note: The enriched:bad [D] and enriched:error [E] could contain the files produced as a result of the step 3. Therefore rerunning the EmrEtlRunner could result in duplicated bad/error files. This could be significant if elasticsearch step [8-9] is engaged for examining bad data [D]. The outcome would be the same data timestamped with different time values by different EMR runs.
4 Delete enriched:good files [F] and rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option.
5 Delete enriched:good files [F] and rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option.
6 Delete enriched:good files [F] and rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option.

Note: The enriched:bad [D] and shredded:bad [H] could contain the files produced as a result of the step 3 and 6 respectively. Therefore rerunning the EmrEtlRunner could result in duplicated bad files. This could be significant if elasticsearch step (8-9) is engaged for examining bad data ([D],[H]). The outcome would be the same data timestamped with different time values by different EMR runs.
7 Delete enriched:good [F] and shredded:good [K]. Rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging option.
8 If duplicated bad data is not critical rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging,emr option. If duplicated bad data is critical, instructions to come (#2593).
9 If duplicated bad data is not critical rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging,emr option. If duplicated bad data is critical, instructions to come (#2593).
10 Rerun the EmrEtlRunner with --skip staging,emr,elasticsearch option.
11 The data load cannot result in partial load due to the use of COMMIT. However, if more than one data target is used you would need to rerun the StorageLoader with the successfully loaded target removed from the config.yml configuration file to retry loading the "failed" target.

Note: If the failure occurred at analyze stage, skip it with --skip download,load option (currently analyze is bound with load step and cannot be rerun separately).
12 Rerun the StorageLoader with --skip download,load option.
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