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497 lines (496 loc) · 75.6 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
7895 @DenisKolodin/yew Rust framework for building client web apps
1958 @Kintaro/wtftw Window Tiling For The Win. A tiling window manager written in Rust
1255 @Keats/tera A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django ↗️
1242 @Keats/gutenberg A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. ↗️
1025 @dalance/procs A modern replacement for ps written in Rust
836 @archseer/enigma A simple Erlang VM implementation in Rust
664 @lloydmeta/frunk Funktional generic type-level programming in Rust: HList, Coproduct, Generic, LabelledGeneric, Validated, Monoid and friends. ↗️
531 @Keats/jsonwebtoken JWT lib in rust
514 @coord-e/magicpak 🔨 Build minimal docker images without static linking
510 @Keats/validator Simple validation for Rust structs
427 @maekawatoshiki/naglfar A toy web browser implemented in Rust from scratch
382 @termoshtt/accel (Mirror of GitLab) GPGPU Framework for Rust ↗️
378 @bokuweb/rustynes 👾 An NES emulator by Rust and WebAssembly ↗️
377 @maekawatoshiki/rapidus A toy JavaScript engine implemented in Rust from scratch
319 @ryanmcgrath/alchemy An experimental GUI framework for Rust, backed by per-platform native widgets. React, AppKit/UIKit inspired. EXPERIMENTAL, runs on Cocoa right now. ;P ↗️
280 @KeenS/webml A Standard ML Compiler for the Web
261 @maekawatoshiki/ferrugo Ferrugo is a JVM implementation written in Rust
258 @tanakh/cargo-atcoder Cargo subcommand for AtCoder
219 @greymd/teip Select partial standard input and replace with the result of another command efficiently
205 @rhysd/vim-color-spring-night Low-contrast calm color scheme for Vim ↗️
194 @rhysd/kiro-editor A terminal UTF-8 text editor written in Rust 📝🦀
191 @dalance/amber A code search / replace tool
188 @ubnt-intrepid/dot Yet another management tool for dotfiles
186 @maekawatoshiki/cilk (Toy) Compiler Infrastructure influenced by LLVM written in Rust
153 @rail44/squark Rust frontend framework, for web browser and more. ↗️
149 @archSeer/enigma A simple implementation of the Erlang VM in Rust
145 @nullpo-head/WSL-Hello-sudo sudo by face recognition of Windows Hello on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), or Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. Actually this is a PAM module for Linux.
142 @tanakh/easy-scraper Easy scraping library
139 @Keats/kickstart A scaffolding tool to get new projects up and running quickly
131 @Keats/rust-bcrypt Easily hash and verify passwords using Bcrypt
129 @ryochack/peep The CLI text viewer tool that works like less command on small pane within the terminal window.
125 @dalance/sv-parser SystemVerilog parser library fully complient with IEEE 1800-2017
125 @rhysd/wain WebAssembly implementation from scratch in Safe Rust with zero dependencies
122 @toshi0383/cmdshelf Better scripting life with cmdshelf 📚
121 @sile/libflate A Rust implementation of DEFLATE algorithm and related formats (ZLIB, GZIP)
116 @OTL/urdf-viz visualize URDF/XACRO file, URDF Viewer works on Windows/MacOS/Linux
107 @maekawatoshiki/rucc rucc is a tiny toy C compiler in Rust.
106 @rhysd/cargo-husky Setup Git hooks automatically for cargo projects with 🐶 ↗️
103 @jedahan/zr zsh plugin manager written in rust
103 @ubnt-intrepid/susanoo [DEPRECATED] A micro Web framework for Rust, based on Hyper and Tokio
95 @Keats/dbmigrate PostgreSQL/SQLite/MySQL migration tool in rust
94 @rhysd/git-brws Command line tool to open repository, file, commit, diff, tag, pull request, blame, issue or project's website in browser for various repository hosting services. ↗️
93 @likr/rust-webgl2-example ↗️
93 @mopp/Axel Operating System
85 @stakedtechnologies/Plasm The Scaling DApps Platform on Polkadot using Plasma and State Channel. ↗️
83 @wasabeef/droid A command-line tool for checking Android OS version history written by Rust.
80 @ryanmcgrath/jelly User authentication/sessions/etc for Actix-Web. More of a sample project than a crate, but probably useful to some people.
76 @termoshtt/rust-numpy Rust binding of NumPy C-API
74 @bschwind/yoga-rs A Rust Wrapper of Facebook's Yoga, a Flexbox layout engine
73 @termoshtt/ndarray-linalg Linear algebra package for rust-ndarray using LAPACK binding
72 @dalance/ptags A parallel universal-ctags wrapper for git repository
71 @KOBA789/keyboard-from-scratch Cookpad Spring Internship 2019 自作キーボードコース 講義資料
71 @sorccu/r2d2-redis
70 @kubo/rust-oracle Oracle driver for Rust
69 @dalance/svlint SystemVerilog linter
67 @farseerfc/ydcv-rs A rust version of .
65 @tsuyoshiwada/rs-monkey-lang Monkey Programming Language written in Rust. ↗️
62 @dalance/svls SystemVerilog language server
62 @rhysd/world-map-gen 🗺️Random world map generator CLI and library for Rust and WebAssembly ↗️
61 @dongri/team Free Knowledge Groupware
58 @Keats/scl A simple configuration language
57 @sile/rustun A Rust library for implementing STUN server and client asynchronously
56 @raskr/rust-autograd Tensors and differentiable operations (like TensorFlow) in Rust ↗️
56 @ubnt-intrepid/polyfuse A FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) library for Rust ↗️
54 @maekawatoshiki/rcaml rcaml is an OCaml implementation in Rust
53 @gam0022/hanamaru-renderer PathTracing in Rust
52 @Keats/webrust
52 @ryanmcgrath/cacao Rust bindings for AppKit (macOS) and UIKit (iOS/tvOS). Experimental, but working!
51 @sile/rustracing_jaeger Jaeger tracing library for Rust
50 @nwtgck/ray-tracing-iow-rust Ray Tracing in One Weekend written in Rust
48 @bokuweb/docx-rs 📝 A .docx file writer with Rust/WebAssembly. ↗️
48 @sile/erl_dist Rust Implementation of Erlang Distribution Protocol
47 @bokuweb/lcs-image-diff-rs 🖼 Image diff tool with LCS algorithm
47 @sile/rusturn A Rust Implementation of TURN server and client
45 @bokuweb/yaw 🦀 A wasm interpreter in Rust
45 @sile/eetf A Rust implementation of Erlang External Term Format
44 @keijiro/UnityRustPlugin An example showing how to write a Unity native plugin in Rust
42 @akiradeveloper/ijk A real editor for real programmers
42 @mopemope/firestarter Firestarter: A process and shared socket manager
40 @bokuweb/lifegameboy 🦀 Conway's Game of Life written in Rust on GameBoyAdvance
40 @termoshtt/llvmenv Manage multiple LLVM/Clang builds
39 @DenisKolodin/rust-app-engine App Engine Rust boilerplate
39 @sile/rustracing OpenTracing API for Rust
38 @ubnt-intrepid/rhq Manages your local repositories
37 @tanakh/competitive-rs Competitive programming library for Rust
37 @termoshtt/eom Configurable ODE/PDE solver
36 @bokuweb/rust-wasm-game-of-life 👾 Conway's Game of Life written by Rust with WebAssembly ↗️
35 @OTL/k k: Kinematics Library for rust-lang
35 @maekawatoshiki/yacht ECMA-335 Implementation written in Rust
34 @xqq/ReitoreSenpai レイトレ先輩
33 @cryptoeconomicslab/plasma-rust-framework Rust implementation of Optimistic Virtual Machine client
32 @cdepillabout/nix-query-tree-viewer GTK viewer for the output of nix store --query --tree ↗️
32 @sile/patricia_tree A memory-efficient patricia tree implementation written in Rust
30 @chikoski/rust-exercises Rustのエクササイズ
30 @ubnt-intrepid/rustplotlib A Rust's binding of matplotlib ↗️
29 @shuhei/cymbal Yet another Rust implementation of the Monkey language from "Writing an Interpreter in Go" and "Writing a Compiler in Go"
29 @tesaguri/twitter-stream-rs A Rust library for listening on Twitter Streaming API.
28 @banyan/rust-pretty-bytes Convert bytes to a human readable string: 1337 → 1.34 kB
28 @kogai/wasvm 🚧 WebAssembly Virtual Machine, which aim to run on micro-controller
26 @shuhei/colortty 🎨 A utility to generate color schemes for alacritty
26 @sile/sloggers A Rust library which provides frequently used slog loggers and convenient functions
25 @kumabook/readability Port of arc90labs-readability with rust ↗️
25 @matsumotory/k2i Kernel Parameters Interface using HTTP
25 @motemen/slack-stream-json
24 @azu/license-generator A Command line tool that generate LICENSE file.
24 @lloydmeta/rusqbin A server that stashes your requests for later retrieval to so you can do end-to-end testing of code that makes HTTP calls. Available as a binary, a Docker image, and a library.
24 @sile/hls_m3u8 HLS(RFC8216) m3u8 parser/generator
24 @sile/mse_fmp4 A Rust library for generating fragmented MP4 that playable via Media Source Extensions
23 @anharu2394/multiplay-grpc-server gRPC server for Multiplaying in Rust
23 @imos/icfpc2019 Team Unagi's repository for ICFPC 2019
23 @yhara/shiika A statically-typed scripting language
22 @DenisKolodin/rusty Minimal Rust Application Template - dotenv, clap, log, config
22 @DenisKolodin/thread-control Rust library to control threads and futures execution
22 @OTL/gear Collision Avoidance Path Planning in Rust-lang
22 @cookpad/sds Envoy's v1 Service Discovery Service API and v2 Endpoint Discovery Service API
22 @dalance/nom-tracable Extension of nom to trace parser
22 @rejasupotaro/cref Commit message search tool for non-native English speakers
22 @utatti/monkey-rs An interpreter for the Monkey programming language written in Rust
21 @KOBA789/rust-reversi Cookpad Spring 1day Internship 2018 Rust プログラミングコースで使用された講義資料
21 @Kintaro/sabiwm Tiling Window Manager in Rust for and Wayland. Spiritual successor of WTFTW
21 @hibariya/pty-shell Spawn a shell and control it through pty
21 @sile/mpeg2ts MPEG2-TS decoding/encoding library for Rust
21 @sile/plumtree A Rust implementation of Plumtree algorithm
20 @KOBA789/rust-wasm
20 @hhatto/rust-snippets my code snippets for Rust
20 @itchyny/procout procout peeks write(2) of another process using ptrace(2), written in Rust
20 @sile/hyparview A Rust implementation of HyParView algorithm
20 @sile/kurobako A black-box optimization benchmark tool
20 @sile/prometrics Rust client library for exposing prometheus metrics
20 @tanakh/memoise Simple memoization library for rust
20 @uasi/rust-pcre PCRE bindings for Rust
19 @eagletmt/misc いろいろ ↗️
19 @fulmicoton/kuromoji-rs Japanese tokenizer for rust
19 @hhatto/cargo-strict avoid unwrap() method
19 @sile/ekvsb Benchmark Tool for Embedded Key-Value Stores available in Rust
19 @y-yu/trpl-ja-pdf ↗️
18 @DenisKolodin/cargo-docker A cargo subcommand to build Rust with docker
18 @DenisKolodin/match_cast Rust match_cast macro implementation
18 @KoharaKazuya/forest forest は行指向で構造化された木構造を表すテキストを整形して出力するコマンド
18 @dalance/structopt-toml An default value loader from TOML for structopt
18 @dmizuk/twitter-stream-rs A Rust library for listening on Twitter Streaming API.
18 @laysakura/fst-rs FST (Fast Succinct Trie) implementation in Rust ↗️
18 @nocotan/rmessenger A Rust Wrapper for the FaceBook Messenger Bot API
17 @c-bata/db_tutorial Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in Rust (and Python3 for testing). Thanks @cstack ! ↗️
17 @dalance/gip a command-line tool to get global IP address
17 @pnlybubbles/LumillyRender Monte Carlo path tracing implementation on Rust
17 @ryanmcgrath/appkit-rs AppKit bindings for Rust. Highly experimental. You've been warned!
17 @sile/hls_wasm WebAssembly HLS client written in Rust
16 @Keats/graphql-parser
16 @coord-e/expressi Expression-oriented toy programming language written in Rust
16 @hibariya/pty-rs Fork with new pseudo-terminal (PTY)
16 @keichi/gbr Yet another Game Boy emulator in Rust
16 @keroxp/deno-imaging Imaging utility for Deno
16 @lo48576/fbx_direct low-level fbx reader/writer library for Rust programming language. Author is now writing another FBX reader crate: fbxcel Use fbxcel if you don't need writers.
16 @mizukmb/esa-nippou Print today's your articles.
16 @sinhrks/brassfibre Provides multiple-dtype columner storage, known as DataFrame in pandas/R
15 @KeenS/cargo-pack-docker a cargo subcommand to package your application into a docker image
15 @Kintaro/wtftw-contrib A repository for additional wtftw modules
15 @azyobuzin/tweetust Twitter API wrapper for Rust ↗️
15 @cgcardona/earth EARTH research and development ↗️
15 @cosmo0920/fruently A yet another Fluentd logger for Rust. a.k.a. verification of Fluentd's forward protocol playground.
15 @sile/beam_file A tiny library for processing Erlang BEAM file in Rust
15 @sile/wstcp WebSocket to TCP proxy written in Rust
14 @hhatto/kamasu HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2 Proxy for PHP Built-in Server, written in Rust
14 @sile/bytecodec A tiny Rust framework for implementing encoders/decoders of byte-oriented protocols
14 @sile/stun_codec Decoders and encoders for STUN (RFC 5389) and its extensions
13 @KeenS/transaction-rs The transaction abstraction library and its executors for rust
13 @azyobuzin/rust-oauthcli Yet Another OAuth 1.0 Client Library for Rust ↗️
13 @bokuweb/node-lcs-img-diff 🖼 Image diff tool with LCS algorithm for Node.js
13 @bschwind/app-route Treat application routes (URL path + query string) as strongly-typed Rust structs
13 @bschwind/mqtt-broker A tokio-based MQTT v5 broker written in pure Rust
13 @dalance/nom-packrat Extension of nom to apply "Packrat Parsing"
13 @eagletmt/guzuta Custom repository manager for ArchLinux pacman
13 @golddranks/ganbare A quiz/training app for Japanese learners. Written in Rust.
13 @laysakura/trie-rs Memory efficient trie (prefix tree) library based on LOUDS ↗️
13 @lloydmeta/todddo-openapi-rs Survey of the Rust web scene in mid-2019, covering async/await, DDD-esque structure, testing, mocking, OpenAPI, and Actix
13 @sile/plumcast A message broadcasting library based on the Plumtree/HyParView algorithms
13 @sile/rtp A Rust implementation of RTP and profiles derived from it.
13 @sorah/subsystemctl Utility to run systemd in WSL2 with a Linux namespace
13 @tanakh/interpol String interpolation for rust
12 @DenisKolodin/cargo-suicide cargo-suicide subcommand for the brave Rust coders
12 @DenisKolodin/naive HTTP/WS Rust crate with naive and simple async/await clients
12 @DenisKolodin/web_logger Rust Logger for Web Browsers
12 @Kintaro/rootfm Embedded FM Synthesizer in Rust
12 @keroxp/deno_plugin_example Example repository of rust plugin for Deno
12 @kogai/trs CLI for English learners
12 @lo48576/_rustivitypub_old1 I decided to discard this and write another one from scratch.
12 @mozamimy/salmon A static site generator specialized for blogging and designed for rabbits. Not for human.
12 @termoshtt/deco Python-like decorator in Rust
12 @tuvistavie/rust-simple-nn Simple neural network implementation in Rust
12 @ubnt-intrepid/tsukuyomi A next generation Web framework for Rust ↗️
12 @yxd-hde/lambda-rust-demo Demo for building an AWS lambda function with rust.
11 @DenisKolodin/meio MEIO - Lightweight Actors Framework (meiofauna for your Rust apps)
11 @KOBA789/obs-lenkeng An OBS Studio Plugin for using LKV373 as a HDMI grabber
11 @abbychau/diesel_cli_ext It contains different code generation (not rust codegen) cli tools that may help your life with Diesel easier.
11 @dalance/prosafe_exporter Prometheus exporter for NETGEAR switches supported by ProSAFE Plus utility
11 @golddranks/binary_macros Rust macros for decoding base64 and hexadecimal -like encodings to [u8] literals.
11 @gong023/underscore-rust utility library for rust ↗️
11 @itchyny/mackerel-plugin-rs Mackerel plugin helper library for Rust ↗️
11 @lo48576/fbxcel Excellent FBX library for Rust
11 @maekawatoshiki/tourmaline Tourmaline is a AOT programming language with LLVM
11 @sile/hone A shell-friendly hyperparameter search tool inspired by Optuna
11 @termoshtt/rust-sfmt Rust implementation of SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) using stable SIMD
11 @yoshiori/twitbeam Simple Mastodon terminal client.
10 @KeenS/kappaLisp SKK Lisp intepreter
10 @KeenS/rustlisp a type level lisp interpreter on Rust's type system
10 @faultier/bee HTTP request/response parser written in Rust
10 @laysakura/louds-rs High performance LOUDS (Level-Order Unary Degree Sequence) library ↗️
10 @mozamimy/telescreen A slack bot to forward messages by simple routing definition
10 @mzp/tiny-web-server http server serve static files to public it for other machines at same network.
10 @naoty/table A command to print ASCII table from stdin
10 @rhysd/tinyjson Simple JSON parser/generator for Rust
10 @sile/handy_async A handy Rust library for describing asynchronous code declaratively
10 @termoshtt/procedurals Collection of basic proc-macros
10 @ubnt-intrepid/rust-gurobi Unofficial Rust API for Gurobi Optimizer ↗️
10 @yuku/x86 x86 emulator written in Rust. Just for study
10 @yuku/x86-study x86 emulator written in Rust. Just for study
10 @yuuki/syscall-study Linux system calls study
9 @DenisKolodin/mould Rust web-framework for websocket based web-apps
9 @OTL/rrt RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree) library in Rust
9 @azyobuzin/otoware 音割れさせるやつ
9 @dalance/cargo-trend Cargo subcommand to generate trend graph of dependent crates
9 @dalance/pipecolor A terminal filter to colorize output
9 @dalance/softether_exporter Prometheus Exporter of SoftEther VPN Server
9 @kjmrknsn/livy-manager Livy Manager - Web UI for Managing Apache Livy Sessions
9 @laysakura/fid-rs High performance FID (Fully Indexable Dictionary) library ↗️
9 @matsumotory/procps-sys Interface procps library from Rust
9 @sile/erl_parse Erlang source code parser written in Rust
9 @termoshtt/rust-fftw3 FFTW3 binding for Rust
9 @yui-knk/minidb
8 @KOBA789/batch-loader-rs The contracts and implementation for query batching
8 @OTL/urdf-rs URDF parser using serde-xml-rs for rust
8 @cosmo0920/ruroonga A Rust language binding for Groonga.
8 @dalance/fts-rs A Rust library for high performance directory walking using libc fts.
8 @dalance/mdbook-transcheck Checker for translated mdbook
8 @fulmicoton/fastdivide
8 @golddranks/multi_mut Methods on HashMap and BTreeMap for safely getting multiple mutable references to the contained values.
8 @jedahan/rustboy A game boy emulator in rust
8 @kawakami-o3/r9ir Rewrite 9cc in Rust
8 @komamitsu/td-client-rust Rust Client Library for Treasure Data
8 @lo48576/fbx-binary-reader [DISCONTINUED] FBX binary parser for Rust programming language. Use fbxcel crate instead. ↗️
8 @lo48576/opaque_typedef Easy opaque typedef for Rust programming language. ↗️
8 @maekawatoshiki/XScript A statically-typed script language with JIT
8 @niba1122/rju Client Framework for Rust
8 @nnao45/dntk 🧮 Command line's multi-platform interactive calculator, GNU bc wrapper.
8 @nwtgck/piping-server-rust Piping Server written in Rust - Faster Piping Server than ever
8 @rhysd/OhmaeCaml One of MinCaml variants written in Rust
8 @rhysd/path-slash Tiny Rust library to convert a file path from/to slash path ↗️
8 @rhysd/reading-pfds Reading 'Purely Functional Data Structures' with Rust
8 @sile/rrsm Raft based Replicated State Machine in Rust
8 @termoshtt/rflatc WIP: Experimental Rust implementation of FlatBuffers
8 @ubnt-intrepid/mison-rs [experimental] An implementation of JSON parser for Rust, based on Mison
8 @ubnt-intrepid/misosoup An experimental implementation of Mison JSON parser written in Rust
8 @ubnt-intrepid/react-iron-boilerplate React.js + Iron framework
7 @2vg/gameserver-sandbox-rs sandbox repository that implements a very small game server written by Rust.
7 @KOBA789/batch-recv-rs Batched receive from queues
7 @KeenS/http_server
7 @akiradeveloper/rust-comp-snippets
7 @hayatoito/tapl-in-rust
7 @hibari/hibari-brick-rs A fast, embedded, ordered key-value store for big and small values
7 @imos/ Simplified Lisp written in Rust.
7 @kei-s/waiir Writing An Interpreter In Rust (Writing An Interpreter In Go in Rust)
7 @kuy/jsonbox-rs Rust wrapper for
7 @matsumotory/middlecon middleware conversation using Rust
7 @mopemope/rrc rrc - Manage remote repository clones
7 @nazo/rust-nes Rust NES Emulator (Work In Progress)
7 @pocketberserker/
7 @sile/fanova A Rust implementation of fANOVA (functional analysis of variance)
7 @sile/splay_tree Splay Tree based Collections (e.g., Map, Set, Heap) Library for Rust
7 @sile/yamakan A collection of Black-Box Optimization algorithms for Rust
7 @takkanm/rust_fluent fluentd client for rust(experimental)
7 @tatsuya6502/bitwise_rust Rust-based Erlang NIF examples for showing Erlang VM's scheduler issues
7 @termoshtt/ndarray-odeint solve ODE with rust-ndarray
7 @termoshtt/rust-intel-mkl Redistribute Intel MKL as a crate
6 @DenisKolodin/sip-rs Rust SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) implementation
6 @KeenS/chema generate JSON Schema from a lightweight DSL
6 @PG-MANA/Methylenix The operating system written in Rust ↗️
6 @asayers/easybench-rs A lightweight rust benchmarking library ↗️
6 @bokuweb/r2v [WIP] 🦀 A RISC-V emulator written in Rust
6 @coord-e/r53ddns command-line utility to update A record in Route53 with current global IP address
6 @dalance/git-skel A git subcommand to apply skeleton repository continuously
6 @dalance/nom-recursive Extension of nom to handle left recursion
6 @fumieval/urgeopts An extremely rich getopts alternative for shell scripts
6 @hhatto/boom-rust Rust implementation of boom
6 @hhatto/nem2-rs NEM SDK for Rust
6 @hhatto/zoth CLI Cache Tool
6 @itchyny/mackerel-client-rs An API client library for Mackerel written in Rust (still in the developing stage; host APIs are not implemented yet) ↗️
6 @kb10uy/ongeki-data オンゲキのキャラクターや楽曲のデータ、及び関連するツール
6 @kngwyu/rogue-gym [WIP] Highly customizable rogue-like game for AI expmeriments
6 @kogai/arisama
6 @kogai/monkey Writing An Interpreter In Go-> Rust
6 @komamitsu/rust-lock-bench
6 @kumabook/opengraph Parses html and extracts Open Graph protocol markup
6 @okanon/rthrift Rust Thrift library (Thrift0.11.0)
6 @rchaser53/rust_pack_man a game like a pack man made from rust
6 @ryym/textris Tetris on terminal, written in Rust!
6 @sile/amf A Rust Implementation of AMF (Action Media Format)
6 @sile/erl_ast A Rust library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees of Erlang programs
6 @sile/succ Succinct Data Structures written in Rust
6 @sile/thrift_codec Encoder and decoder for Thrift protocol written in Rust
6 @t-sin/koto Music performing filesystem. ↗️
6 @termoshtt/cagra Tiny calculation graph library
6 @thara/erajp Japanese era converter for Rust ↗️
6 @totem3/ofuton
6 @ubnt-intrepid/pecors Yet another text selector written in Rust
6 @yuk1ty/simple-http-server Simple HTTP Server written in Rust
6 @yuku-t/x86 x86 emulator written in Rust. Just for study
6 @yvt/Stella2 Light-weight desktop client for instant messaging services (WIP)
5 @0918nobita/rust Rust code examples
5 @Constellation/rust-jsc WebKit JavaScriptCore rust binding
5 @DenisKolodin/wsio WSIO - typed WebSocket client adapted to async/await epoch
5 @ItinoseSan/ru-gnu-core-utils Dummy Implementation of a part of GNU Core Utilities in rust-lang
5 @KeenS/igaguri my toy shell written in Rust
5 @bokuweb/pixelmatch-rs port of mapbox/pixelmatch
5 @cgcardona/bitcoincash Rust crate for Bitcoin Cash
5 @dalance/flexlint A flexible linter with rules defined by regular expression
5 @hhatto/woothee-rust Rust user-agent strings parser
5 @kanru/xfetch-rs Rust crate for Optimal Probabilistic Cache Stampede Prevention aka XFetch algorithm
5 @kazuki/lwc 大型ワカメ衝突型加速器
5 @kazuki/rust-hsa HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture) bindings for Rust
5 @keichi/rgb Yet another Game Boy emulator
5 @kmc-jp/cerussite C compiler written in Rust
5 @laysakura/data-structures-and-algorithms-rs ブログの連載『Rustではじめるデータ構造とアルゴリズム』のコード
5 @likr/atcoder
5 @linyows/glip 🗺 Geographic Location for IP Address with MaxmindDB.
5 @nullpo-head/Rusty-L4
5 @rejasupotaro/gimei-rust Random Japanese name and address generator (Port of gem's gimei to Rust).
5 @rhysd/extract-repo-url Small CLI tool to extract repository URL from text (from clipboard by default)
5 @sile/cotoxy TCP proxy which uses Consul for service discovery
5 @sile/dlfs Code for learning the book "Deep Learning from Scratch"
5 @sile/evalrs Rust code snippet evaluator
5 @sile/fibers_http_server A tiny HTTP/1.1 server framework for Rust
5 @sile/hdf5file A Rust implementation of HDF5 File Format
5 @sile/linux_aio A thin Rust wrapper on top of the Linux AIO API
5 @sile/nbchan Highly optimized non-blocking communication channels implemented in Rust
5 @sile/protobuf_codec A Rust implementation of encoders and decoders for Protocol Buffers
5 @sile/rendezvous_hash A Rust implementation of Rendezvous hashing algorithm
5 @sile/scalable_bloom_filter A Rust implementation of Scalable Bloom Filters
5 @sile/scalable_cuckoo_filter A variant of Cuckoo Filter whose size automatically scales as necessary
5 @sile/serdeconv A Rust library that facilitates the conversion between TOML/JSON/MessagePack strings and serializable values
5 @sile/trackable Rust library provides a way to track objects manually as an alternative to mechanisms like backtracing
5 @termoshtt/asink Async sink wrapper for time-series data
5 @ubnt-intrepid/cargo-docserve A cargo subcommand for serving outputs of cargo doc
5 @ubnt-intrepid/jors Yet another command-line JSON generator.
5 @ubnt-intrepid/mimicaw A library for writing asynchronous tests ↗️
5 @yvt/svgbobdoc Rust procedural macro that renders ASCII diagrams in doc comments as SVG images.
5 @yvt/swsurface-rs Software-rendered surface for winit (WIP)
4 @0918nobita/Rust-note プログラミング言語 Rust のサンプルコード群
4 @DenisKolodin/async-actor Example of an actor in the new async/await world
4 @DenisKolodin/lua-macros Lua Macros for Rust programming language
4 @DenisKolodin/mould-auth Token Plugin for Mould Framework
4 @FMS-Cat/hello-nannou
4 @KOBA789/tinyamodb Distributed Tiny NoSQL DBMS
4 @Keats/vat VAT number validation and VAT rates for the EU
4 @KeenS/WebAssembler-rs An in memory wasm assembler for Rust
4 @KeenS/onigmo-rs Rust binding and Rusty API of Onigmo, regexp engine
4 @Kintaro/DreamOxide Dreamcast Emulator written in Rust. Only CPU for now.
4 @Pctg-x8/interlude In-house Game Engine used in HardGrad -> Extent
4 @ShigekiKarita/rust_nlp100
4 @atsushi130/Cryptor Cryptor is encryption machine corresponding to the diversity of algorithms.
4 @banyan/rust-git-gsub A Git subcommand to do gsub in a repository
4 @bluele/hmemu An emulation library to ease contract development and testing for hypermint.
4 @cosmo0920/ruroonga_client A tiny Groonga client via HTTP written by Rust language.
4 @golddranks/try_map try_map & flip methods for Option types in Rust programming language
4 @hhatto/pit-rs pit in Rust ↗️
4 @imos/icfpc2020 Team Unagi's repository for ICFPC 2020
4 @itchyny/pihex-rs Arbitrary place hexadecimal digits viewer of pi written in Rust
4 @joemphilips/rust-bitcoin-playground sandbox for attempting to implement spv client and lightning network daemon.
4 @kazuki/waifu2x-hsa
4 @kgtkr/wasm-rs
4 @kuy/elevato-rs An Elevator Simulator written in Rust with Amethyst game engine.
4 @lloydmeta/cogs WIP client for MS Congitive services using async Hyper
4 @myuon/jitome-kingdom-api
4 @myuon/madder MADDER (Akane)
4 @naota/fcitx-tcode A T-Code input method implementation for fcitx
4 @ryym/rustplay Execute Rust on Rust playground from terminal
4 @sile/diagnoser Yet another implementation of Erlang's Dialyzer written in Rust
4 @sile/erl_pp Erlang source code preprocessor written in Rust
4 @sile/erl_tokenize An Erlang source code tokenizer written in Rust.
4 @sinhrks/brasswheels Rust machine learning experiment
4 @syuilo/glitch-studio-rs
4 @tanakh/comprehension-rs Iterator comprehension in Rust
4 @tatsuya6502/shellmag-2020-02 シェルスクリプトマガジン掲載記事 『はじめてのRust』 サンプルコード集 ↗️
4 @termoshtt/ WIP: Rust binding to Julia
4 @tkrs/rust-redis-pubsub-example Example for redis pubsub in Rust
4 @tsuyoshiwada/rs-td4 WebAssembly TD4 Emulator with Rust. ↗️
4 @uasi/rust-echo-server [OUTDATED] A cute echo server (with a preliminary socket module) written in Rust
4 @ubnt-intrepid/ghqrs [ARCHIVED] Manages cloned repositories from Git hostings
4 @ubnt-intrepid/wan わん ∪・ω・∪
4 @umurgdk/jsg json generator for terminal usage, influenced by httpie
4 @usagi/usagi-rust-reference うさぎさんでもわかるRustプログラミング言語リファレンス
4 @yoshitsugu/hariboteos_in_rust
3 @0918nobita/forth-rs An implementation of Forth in Rust
3 @DenisKolodin/serial-number Serial-number check protection written in Rust
3 @Gnurou/awer Another World Engine in Rust
3 @Gnurou/v4l2_rust Experimental Rust bindings for V4L2
3 @ItinoseSan/paprika Toy Web Browser written in rust(making now)
3 @KOBA789/bhcq A pluggable DHCPv4 server written in Rust
3 @Knium/statikk-db
3 @Pctg-x8/postludium High-configurable Game Engine layered on Interlude
3 @Pctg-x8/unidecim Cheap Decimator plugin for Unity Audio processing
3 @akiradeveloper/dm-writeboost-tools Nice tools for dm-writeboost. Written in Rust
3 @akr4/monkey-rust Rust version of Monkey (Writing an interpreter in Go:
3 @anekos/image-meta Image meta data inspector for rust
3 @anharu2394/rust-llvm-calculator The calculator using Inkwell and Rust Peg
3 @asayers/priomutex A mutex where waiting threads specify a priority
3 @beam2d/kaleidoscope-rs LLVM tutorial implementation in Rust with llvm-sys
3 @bokuweb/wu-diff-rs Compute differences between two slices using wu(the O(NP)) algorithm.
3 @cakecatz/rust-tetris
3 @cdepillabout/break-time break timer that forces you to take a break ↗️
3 @chantera/dynet-rs The Rust Language Bindings for DyNet
3 @coord-e/slide-the-great-rust Rustで言語処理系を書くと楽しい ↗️
3 @cryptoeconomicslab/plasma-qg [Abandoned] Non migratable Plasma Quasi General. After this PoC, this will be PlasmaMQG.
3 @dalance/sample-rs
3 @dalance/sdc-parser
3 @dalance/softfloat_bench Rust softfloat libarary benchmark
3 @dongri/mailgun-rs Mailgun API for Rust ↗️
3 @eagletmt/idolmap
3 @fand/osc-to-midi-rust
3 @fujita/demo
3 @fukatani/rust-ant-book Ant book solutions with Rust language.
3 @hayatoito/icfp2017 ICFP Programming Contest 2017
3 @hhatto/cargobench-plot
3 @hhatto/pixiv-isucon2016-rust
3 @hhatto/ray-tracing-in-one-weekend-in-rust
3 @holyshared/lcov-parser LCOV report parser for Rust
3 @hrysd/rust-on-heroku-with-docker Rust, Docker, Heroku ↗️
3 @itchyny/procalive procalive keeps your process alive
3 @itchyny/uptime-rs Multi-platform uptime library for Rust ↗️
3 @k0kubun/xraise Fast X Window Raiser
3 @karuna/hangar Rust web framework
3 @kazu9su/football-matome
3 @kgtkr/procon-lib-rs
3 @kivantium/kivantium
3 @kjmrknsn/dataopen Collaborative Data Analysis Platform
3 @koko1000ban/k-shortest-paths Finding k-th shortest paths with Dijkstra's Algorithm
3 @kuretchi/spella A competitive programming library for Rust
3 @lcolaholicl/specht A rusty Brianf*ck interpreter
3 @lcolaholicl/yiling This project aims to reproduct 4 arithmetic options in (pseudo) binary digits.
3 @likr/egraph-rs Network Visualization Tools for Native and Web with Rust ↗️
3 @lloydmeta/bloxi A Blockchain implementation in Rust, following the "Learn Blockchains by Building One" tutorial.
3 @lloydmeta/chase-rs Async + Sync file-following for people who care about file rotations and line numbers.
3 @lo48576/iri-string String types for IRI.
3 @mopp/CodeGarage This is also called graveyard or tmp高原.
3 @mozamimy/kaguya2 Kaguya2 is an implementation of Brainf**k by Rust
3 @mozamimy/lambda-slack-notifier
3 @mozamimy/mimikyu Tiny proxy of ElastiCahce Memceched configuration endpoint
3 @mozamimy/ziproc ジップロック
3 @r7kamura/r8cc A toy C compiler written in Rust.
3 @roundrop/hello-rust
3 @rsky/9cc.rust C Compiler by Rust
3 @ryanmcgrath/shinekit iOS/macOS/Windows UI in Rust. Highly experimental.
3 @ryo33/cdb-rust A clone using rust and piston engine of my game "CrazyDancingBall".
3 @ryym/rust-actix-realworld-example-app My hobby implementation of
3 @seikichi/htmldiff Rust port of (but using more efficient diff algorithm)
3 @shuhei/ynan26 You Need An N26—connects your N26 account to YNAB
3 @sile/consistent_hash A Rust implementation of Consistent hashing algorithm
3 @sile/fibers_rpc Rust RPC library built on top of fibers crate
3 @sile/flv_codec FLV encoder/decoder based on bytecodec crate
3 @sile/httpcodec Encoders and decoders for HTTP/1.x messages based on bytecodec crate.
3 @sile/jaegercat A handy command line tool showing traces emitted by Jaeger clients
3 @sile/plumtuna An implementation of Optuna storage layer based on Plumtree
3 @sile/rustats A statistical library for Rust
3 @sile/xhttp2 Experimental HTTP/2 implementation written in Rust
3 @sinkuu/tokio-framecodecs Simple protocol codecs for Tokio
3 @suztomo/LanguageStudy Exploring AmbientTalk and other programming languages.
3 @tagia0212/rust-iron-mongodb Iron framework with mongodb
3 @termoshtt/ffi_cross_example Example for cross compile with FFI
3 @termoshtt/ndarray100 100 rust-ndarray exerscies
3 @termoshtt/pyo3-linalg-example Example for using ndaray-linalg with PyO3 ↗️
3 @termoshtt/rfbs Experimental fork of Rust implementation of FlatBuffers
3 @thara/rust_aliasmethod Implementation of Walker's Alias method by Rust ↗️
3 @typester/frostflake-rs customizable and thread-safe distributed id generator like twitter's snowflake
3 @ubnt-intrepid/doubter A helper crate for testing Rust code blocks in Markdown files
3 @ubnt-intrepid/hyper-router [experimental] An alternative of routing middleware for tokionized Hyper ↗️
3 @ubnt-intrepid/izanami [WIP] A simple Web application interface inspired from ASGI. ↗️
3 @ubnt-intrepid/msgpack-rpc-rs An alternative implementation of Msgpack-RPC, focuses on bidirectional call ↗️
3 @ubnt-intrepid/pest-calculator Pest で中置演算子を使うサンプル
3 @ubnt-intrepid/rust-mastodon This repository has moved to
3 @ubnt-intrepid/rust-plugin-example
3 @ubnt-intrepid/rusty-machine-toy hobby project for machine learning with rusty-machine
3 @ubnt-intrepid/rwm An ultimately tiny window manager, written in Rust
3 @ubnt-intrepid/susanoo_router
3 @uetchy/ask Pause linux pipes for certain amount of time before continuing.
3 @uetchy/nature-remo-rs 🌇 Nature Remo API client for Rust.
3 @uetchy/pause Pause linux pipes for certain amount of time before continuing.
3 @ykomatsu/yowsl Yet another Windows Subsystem for Linux tweaker [Mirror] ↗️
3 @yoshitsugu/google-ime-skkserv-rs skkserv using Google IME in Rust
3 @yuya-takeyama/circle-gh-tee Command to run a command in Circle CI and post its result to GitHub Pull Request
3 @yvt/actix_lambda_http Actix Web Framework 1.x ←🔗→ AWS Lambda + API Gateway
3 @yvt/cryo Extend the lifetime of a reference in Rust. Safely. ↗️
3 @yvt/ngspades Abandoned game engine project
3 @yvt/tokenlock Sendable cell type whose contents can be accessed only via an inforgeable token. ↗️
3 @yvt/zhang_hilbert A Rust crate for generating an arbitrary-sized pseudo-Hilbert scan