ADVENTURE" is a captivating project that aims to ignite wanderlust by offering exceptional travel experiences, unlocking the world's beauty
Oct 6, 2023 - CSS
A video game in which the player assumes the role of a protagonist in an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle-solving
ADVENTURE" is a captivating project that aims to ignite wanderlust by offering exceptional travel experiences, unlocking the world's beauty
Source code for my personal homepage.
Choose your own adventure in Bushwick
Hello Everyone, In Masai School we were assigned a task of replicating the Alcazar which is an travelling agency website and we were given an template and we were a group of four member and we completed this entire project in just 6 days.
It is a web application that allows users to track the real-time location of the International Space Station (ISS) on an interactive map. Utilizing the Leaflet library for mapping and the Open Notify API for ISS data, this application provides live updates on the ISS’s position.
This is a responsive web project, I followed a youtube lesson and recreate this web project.
Exciting Tours for adventures peoples