Rails로 작성하고 AWS에 배포한 기타 코드 악보 사이트 -> https://myrailsproject.link (현재 오프라인)
Mar 23, 2023 - Ruby
Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that streamlines website design. It allows for the creation of easy and responsive web layouts.
Rails로 작성하고 AWS에 배포한 기타 코드 악보 사이트 -> https://myrailsproject.link (현재 오프라인)
A demonstration of how to implement a session on a rails site using the default session store, the 'CookieStore'
RaRe TODOs - Todo app made with Rails and React
A Twitter clone app built "almost from scratch" with Ruby on Rails.
Demo of ruby on rails application to insure vehicles using Ruby on Rails
A simple contacts management app on ruby on rails.
bootstrap-honoka-rails can easily install honoka, umi, nico, rin on rails.
Web application to automate peer evaluations in group based classes
Rails5/Bootstrap 3 PoC for managing and processing client complaints.
Ruby on Rails 5.* Application that lets you create credit requisitions and login with OmniAuth (Facebook)
Alpha Blog is a small Ruby on Rails Blogging Web Application where a registered user can write blog post and put it in the category and publish it
Project: Blog web application
date, currency and date_time inputs for SimpleForm and Bootstrap
Created by Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton
Released August 19, 2011