Material related to the PRACE MOOC on Fortran programming
Apr 22, 2024 - Fortran
Fortran is a statically typed compiled programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation, and scientific computing.
While Fortran has been in use since its inception by John Backus at IBM in 1957, it still remains popular today, especially for computationally intensive
applications including numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational physics, crystallography, and
computational chemistry. Despite its age, new language revisions include syntax and semantics for modern language ideas including pointers, recursion,
object orientated programming features, and parallel programming using Coarray Fortran.
Material related to the PRACE MOOC on Fortran programming
This is a repository for the ParaMonte library examples. For more information, visit:
FLPR: The Fortran Language Program Remodeling system
User friendly, flexible and extensible object-oriented Fortran unit testing framework for testing serial, MPI-parallelized and coarray-parallelized applications
Flexible & extensible object oriented Fortran unit testing framework for serial, MPI-parallel and coarray-parallel projects
A flexible modern fortran code that solves the Euler fluid equations using the following flux solvers [AUSM+-up, (M-)AUSMPW+, SLAU(2), FVLEG]
The Berkeley Lab Flang team develops tests for the LLVM-Project Flang Fortran compiler. Because of the paramount importance of parallelism in high-performance computing, we are focusing on Fortran’s parallel features, commonly denoted "Coarray Fortran."
Modern Fortran 3D coordinate conversions for geospace ecef enu eci
ScalSALE: Scalable MPI+X SALE Fortran Benchmark Framework for Supercomputers
Expandable And Scalable Infrastructure for Finite Element Methods, EASIFEM, is [Modern Fortran]( framework for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite element methods. EASIFEM "eases" the efforts to develop scientific programs in Fortran.
Modern Fortran syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3/4
This repository contains a complete list of all Fortran 2018 Standard keywords, including intrinsic procedure argument names (specifiers).
Documentation of the Fortuno unit testing framework
Efficient computation of the Wright function on the real line
Complete rebuild of the SOLLIB/TRNCMP Fortran codebase from F95 to F2018
Space-filling curves in modern Fortran
Boiler-plate repository with Basic CMakeLists.txt, source layout, travis-ci setup
Automatically deployed repository for incorporating the serial interface of the Fortuno unit testing framework into projects that use the fpm build system
Created by John W. Backus
Released April 1957