I am thanos! 😈 👌
Nov 15, 2024 - Java
Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android. Quickly bring your app to life with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs.
I am thanos! 😈 👌
A Floating Action Button Speed Dial implementation for Android that follows the Material Design specification (https://material.io/components/buttons-floating-action-button#types-of-transitions)
A custom view to enter otp of different sizes used usually in cases of authentication.
Jetpack MVVM最佳实践 - 重构仿网易云音乐安卓客户端
善用 DataBinding 彻底解决 “View 实例的 Null 安全一致性问题”
🔥🔥🔥 就是玩APP首先是一个完整的实战项目,其中涵盖了各种Android开发技术的最佳实践(不限架构、业务功能、性能优化、黑科技等),项目工程采用组件化架构,在此基础上会以组件的形式逐步实现各种技术的最佳实践。敬请期待 💪💪💪
Backward compatibility support for Material You for Jetpack Compose
OptimizeRealtimeDatabase app it's written in Kotlin and shows how to optimize Firebase Realtime Database calls using MVVM Architecture Pattern and Jetpack Compose.
#MultiModular #Android #Compose #CleanArchitecture
A color-picker library for Android.
A cryptographic incentive system.
This a food odering app bassed on mvvm-architecure.in this project i used jetpack components library like Room persistense library, Navigation Components,DataBinding and viewBinding. i also used Flow Api,Retrofit client, Picasso etc.
Android e-commerce application that provides user the ability to sign up, login, explore different categories of products available, add to wish-list,, edit addresses, manage profile, view orders, track orders, add to cart and buy them, etc.
This app is for education purpose . It shows how you can fetch all the messages from whatsapp notification and upload them in firebase data. You can see all the messages in real time in firebase
Applying strategy and builder pattern for creating multiple type of bottom sheets with java, kotlin, and jetpack compose
A distributed hotel booking mobile app leveraging the MapReduce framework. Developed with Jetpack Compose and Java.
A multiplatform web and mobile application that allows businesses to easily order lunches from multiple suppliers that have their own delivery system with customizable order options and preferences.
Was curious if could make JetpackCompose like lib in Java
The latest architecture & technologies used in this project. Such as Jetpack Compose (JC), a modern UI development toolkit, Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) software design pattern, Dependency Injection - Hilt, Navigation, Room, Retrofit. etc... Kotlin language
A offline note taking app in kotlin ( jetpack compose )
Created by Android
Released July 28, 2021