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valzi edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

Con Artist

Grit Additional items
1 leather armor, specialist kit, dagger, garrote
2 leather armor, specialist kit, dagger
3-4 specialist kit, dagger
5 specialist kit
6 1 extra trinket

HD: 1d6.

Saving throws against devices succeed on a 1-2 on 1D6.

Trained in light armor.

Trained in (able to use the tags of) 1 weapon type.

Tag: Presence.

  • +1 Stealth.
  • As long as no bloodshed has taken place and you're doing the talking, +1 to Reaction rolls.
  • You can persuade any number of people that whatever you are saying is true for 1D6 minutes, if it is not obviously untrue. (Sober, angry, or intelligent people Save to ignore.) Then everyone becomes angry and immune to later attempts.
  • You know tidbits about everything. You can easily fool people into believing you're knowledgeable about a subject until its clear that you aren't. (Smart characters get a Save.)
  • Boon to any rolls related to disguise.
  • If you can see your enemies and you choose to spend an entire combat Round evading, your DEF is the same as if you were wearing Plate armor.
  • Once per Round, you can choose to be the most prominent person in a group or the least prominent person in a group. (This does not affect Stealth.)

Level 6

  • +1 Attack.
  • +1 Stealth.
  • Make a CHA Check to buy and sell things at their actual value. A result of 1-2 on the Check results in a further discount of 10%.
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