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Teleconference 22.6.2020

Enrico Fucile edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 89 revisions

Inter-Programme Expert Team on Codes Maintenance

Teleconference 22.6.2020


  1. Review of GRIB proposals.
No. GRIB2 Issue Link Assignee Status
1 Issue 11 A product definition template for statistics over an ensemble Tom Kralidis samples required, ongoing
2. Issue 14 GRIB2 template 4.83 in v25.0.0 Sebastien to be discussed, pdf and machine readable not aligned, templates to be implemented
3. Issue 15 incorrect units of "Potential evaporation rate" in Code Table 4.2 Jeff Ator codes changed, branch checked , ready for FT
4. Issue 16 New type of Level: departure level of most unstable parcel of air Sebastien branch checked, samples to be validated , ready for FT
5. Issue 17 New Table 4.2 entries proposed by Canada Tom Kralidis Ypell branch checked, ready for. FT
6. Issue 20 New GRIB2 code Table 4.2 entries requested by Norway Sebastien codes changed, branch checked, ready for FT
7. Issue 22 clarify 4.2 Direction of Combined Wind Waves and Swell Tom Kralidis branch checked, ready for FT
8. Issue 24 convective rain and snow specific water content in Code Table 4.2 Sebastien codes changed, ready for FT, change notation of units kg/kg
9. Issue 25 New GRIB2 Code Table 4.2 entries for the physical atmospheric properties of seeing and sky transparency Tom Kralidis branch checked, ready for FT
10. Issue 26 New GRIB table entry for describing probability Daniel Lee branch checked, ready for FT
11. Issue 27 New parameters in Code Table 4.2 for Fire weather Forecasting Sebastien some problems to be fixed in the branch, then ready for FT
12. Issue 28 New entries in Code Table 4.238 Sebastien
  1. Review of BUFR proposals.
BUFR4 Issue Link Assignee Status
1. Issue 3 Add perturbed forecast in table 0-01-092 Marijana Crepulja branch checked
2. Issue 7 new entries in BUFR flag table 0-33-066 Jeff Ator branch checked, samples validated
3. Issue 8 Table D sequence for reporting marine observations from unmanned surface vehicles David Berry branch checked, samples validated
4. Issue 9 Correct clerical error in BUFR Table B entry 0-40-063 Daniel Lee branch checked
5. Issue 10 New BUFR sequences for encoding IKFS2 products Daniel Lee branch checked, samples provided
6. Issue 12 Table D sequence for reporting scatterometer data from CFOSAT Daniel Lee branch checked, samples validated
7. Issue 15 Proposal for new BUFR table entries for Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Daniel Lee branch checked, samples provided
8. Issue 16 New Table D sequence for reporting observations from ocean gliders David Berry branch checked, samples provided
9. Issue 19 New table B descriptor for a sensor identifier Sibylle Krebber branch checked, samples validated
10. Issue 20 New BUFR Table B and D descriptors for scatterometer data Jeff Ator branch checked, samples validated
11. Issue 4 New BUFR sequence for tropical cyclone tracks Marijana branch to be created, samples validated
  1. Review of Common Code Tables proposals.
CCT Issue Link Assignee Status
1. Issue 4 New sub-category for TC tracks from deterministic Marijana branch created
2. Issue 6 Amendment to Common Code table C-3 by Japan Kentaro Tsuboi branch created
3. Issue 7 Add a new entry to Common Code Tables C-11 to identify IAP ZHAO Fang branch created
4. Issue 8 Proposal for new entry in Common Code Tables C5 Daniel Lee branch created
5. Issue 9 New sub-category for Mode-S in C-13 Marijana branch created
6. Issue 10 new CCT C-1/11, C-5 and C-8 entries for commercial providers of radio occultation data Jeff Ator branch created
7. Issue 12 add new chemical species, aerosols and pollen in Common Code Table 14 Sebastien branch created
8. Issue 13 Proposal for new entries in Common Code Tables C5 and C8 Daniel Lee branch created
  1. AOB
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