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Chaos Effect: Block Rain

Yeelp edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

Block Rain is an Optional Timed Chaos Effect. It lasts anywhere from 1200 to 2400 ticks when applied.


When applied, Block Rain will cause a random block to fall from the sky every tick. Only non portal blocks can fall from the sky (though End Gateways are exempt from this). The block will spawn at the build limit and will be spawn no further than 15 blocks away from the player horizontally. While mostly any block is possible, including snapshot blocks that are disabled, there are some caveats to some blocks:

  • blocks with containers will always be empty.
  • Cauldrons can be filled with any of their possible liquids.
  • Only the bottom half of Beds and Doors will appear.
  • The falling blocks will drop no item if it falls on something like a torch.


Block Rain is only applicable if the player's current position is exposed to the sky. Afterwards, it doesn't matter where the player is, the player mus just be exposed to the sky for Block Rain to apply. However, even if these conditions are met, there is a 25% chance that Block Rain can't be selected.


Block Rain is not exclusive with any other Chaos Effect.


In the config file under the game section is the option blockrain. It is default to false. Setting it to true allows Block Rain to be applied in game. If disabled, it can still be applied through the Chaos Command if its name is used as the argument.


Version Notes
1.1 Introduced
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