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Chaos Effect: Giant

Yeelp edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 1 revision

Giant is an Instant Chaos Effect


Giant spawns a Giant at the player's position. There is a 50% chance that the Giant will spawn with equipment. If it does, then there is a 45% chance that the Giant will spawn with Leather armor, 25% chance for Gold armor, 15% chance for Iron armor, 10% for Diamond Armor and 5% for Netherite armor. Giant will randomly decide to give the Giant 1 to 4 armor pieces in the order of Helmet, Chestpiece, Leggings and Boots. Depending on local difficulty, there is a chance that the armor will be enchanted at a level from 10 to 40, with treasure enchantments allowed. Then, there is a 30% chance the Giant will spawn with a weapon; 20% of the time it spawns with a weapon, it will be an Iron Sword, otherwise it will be an Iron Shovel. If the Giant's armor was enchanted, their weapon will be as well (at a random level from 10 to 40 with treasure enchantments allowed).


Giant is always applicable


Giant is not mutually exclusive with any other Chaos Effect.


Version Notes
1.1 Introduced
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