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Chaos Effect: Bouncy

Yeelp edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 5 revisions

Bouncy is a Timed Chaos Effect. It lasts anywhere from 1500 to 2300 ticks when applied.


Bouncy turns off player drag for the duration, reducing the impact block friction and other such sources has on the player. The player will bounce off the top of any block similar to how they would if they were to bounce off a Slime Block. That is, the faster the player is travelling when landing on the top of a block, the higher they will be propelled. During this effect, the player normally takes no fall damage. A player can sneak to stop bouncing, but will then be subject to fall damage normally, similar to a Slime Block.


Bouncy is only applicable if Press L To Levitate or To The Moon are not active. Note that Press L To Levitate and To The Moon can be applied later, even if Bouncy is active.


Bouncy is mutually exclusive with Clippy.


Version Notes
1.0 Introduced
1.1 Now mutually exclusive with the new Clippy Chaos Effect
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