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Chaos Effect: Iron Man

Yeelp edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Iron Man is a Triggered Chaos Effect. It lasts anywhere from 2000 to 5000 ticks, and can be triggered 1 to 5 times.


While active, Iron Man will prevent the player from taking damage from any source. When the duration expires, any remaining damage blocks the player has from the effect are lost. When the effect is applied, a sound effect of an Iron Golem being repaired is played. Every time damage is blocked for the player, a metal clang sound is played (this is the unused zombie bang metal sound). When the last damage block is used up, or when the effect expires, The sound of an Iron Golem cracking is played. These sound effect let the player know if Iron Man is active and if there are any damage blocks remaining.


Iron Man is always applicable.


Iron Man is not mutually exclusive with any Chaos Effect.


Version Notes
1.0 Introduced
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