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Chaos Effect: Enchantment

Yeelp edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

Enchantment is an Instant Chaos Effect.


Enchantment enchants the item in the player's main hand. It removes any enchantments that may be present on the item first, before applying new enchantments. The enchantments are selected from a different table of enchantments and does not use regular enchanting mechanics, meaning properties like enchantability have no effect on the result.

Possible Enchantments

The Enchantment effect will randomly apply up to 4 enchantments to the item, drawing from the table below with equal probability for each enchantment, though duplicate enchantments are not possible. The possible enchantments are:

  • Aqua Affinity
  • Bane of Arthropods
  • Curse of Binding
  • Curse of Vanishing
  • Depth Strider
  • Efficiency
  • Fire Protection
  • Impaling
  • Infinity
  • Looting
  • Loyalty
  • Mending
  • Power
  • Protection
  • Smite
  • Silk Touch
  • Swift Sneak
  • Unbreaking

If the selected enchantment is a curse, the curse is applied at level 1. Otherwise, the enchantment is applied at a random level between 1 and 10. For some enchantments like Efficiency, this can create powerful tools. For other Enchantments like Mending or Aqua Affinity, the level of the enchantment has no effect on how the enchantment functions. Even if the enchantment would have no effect on the item, it can still be applied. Since the Chaos Effect only enchants the item in the player's main hand, this means getting enchantments like Protection, Swift Sneak, or other armor enchantments will most likely be useless unless the player is holding a piece of armor when the effect is applied; Enchantment will not apply enchantments to the player's armor if they are wearing any, only the main hand item. Since every enchantment is selected with equal probability, and the number of enchantments to apply is selected with equal probability, the chance of getting a specific enchantment is ~13.89%.


For Enchantment to be applicable, the player must be holding an item in their main hand.


Enchantment is not mutually exclusive with any Chaos Effect.


Version Notes
1.0 Introduced
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