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Chaos Effect: Equipment Randomizer

Yeelp edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 1 revision

Equipment Randomizer is an Interval Chaos Effect. It lasts anywhere from 1800 to 2800 ticks when applied, and activates once every 40 to 60 ticks.


When active, Equipment Randomizer randomizes the held equipment of any Zombie, Zombie Villager, Drowned, Husk, Skeleton, Stray, Wither Skeleton, Piglin, Piglin Brute, Zombified Piglin, or Giant within 20 blocks of the player every time it activates. When a mob has their equipment randomized, the helmet, chestpiece, leggings, boots, mainhand and offhand slot and randomized. Every randomization, there is a 10% chance that nothing will be equipped in a given slot for that mob. If they are given something for that slot, then every possible option that mob can be given are equally likely. Armor items will have a random armor trim applied. Any item may be enchanted if possible depending on local difficulty, with the level of enchant also being dependent on local difficulty. The options are listed in the following subsections.

Head Options

These are the options that can appear in the mob's head slot.

  • Any helmet (Turtle, Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)
  • Beacon
  • Dragon Head

If a Beacon is chosen, a random buff from the options below will be given to the mob so long as they keep the Beacon on their head:

  • +6 natural armor
  • +30% movement speed
  • +3 units of attack knockback
  • Full knockback immunity

Chestpiece Options

These are the options that can appear in the mob's chestpiece slot.

  • Elytra
  • Any Chestplate (Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)

Leggings Options

These are the options that can appear in the mob's leggings slot.

  • Any Leggings (Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)


These are the options that can appear in the mob's boots slot.

  • Any Boots (Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)


These are the options that can appear in the mob's mainhand slot.

  • Any Axe (Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)
  • Any Pickaxe (Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)
  • Any Shovel (Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)
  • Any Hoe (Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)
  • Any Sword (Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite)
  • Bow
  • Trident
  • Totem of Undying
  • Spyglass

If a Spyglass is given, the mob's follow range will be multiplied by 3.5 while being held in the mainhand only.


These are the options that can appear in the mob's offhand slot. There is a 90% chance that the mob's offhand item will come from this pool. The other 10% of the time, the item will instead be drawn from the mainhand pool. (Note the Spyglass bonus only applies if being held in the mainhand)

  • Shield
  • Totem of Undying
  • Tipped Arrow
  • Debug Stick

If a Tipped Arrow is given, it will have on of these potion effects:

  • Instant Harming II
  • Weakness I (0:30)
  • Poison II (0:02)
  • Slowness II (0:02)
  • Turtle Master (0:07)


Equipment Randomizer is applicable so long as the player is not in the End.


Equipment Randomizer is not mutually exclusive with any other Chaos Effect.


Version Notes
1.1 Introduced
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