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Andy Theuninck edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 1 revision

Some of the most common reports are located in the reports menu. The special All Reports entry will list all known reports with a brief description.

Almost all reports first display a form to enter information such as department or member numbers. Many reports also include a date range. Clicking the today, yesterday, this/last week, and this/last month options will pick those date ranges but any range may be selected manually. In general longer date ranges will take longer to load.

After entering information into the form, the report itself will have a few brief summary lines and a table of the report's data. Click the column headers to sort the data. UPCs and receipt numbers will usually link to the item or receipt (respectively). Use the CSV and/or Excel links at the top of the page to download the report data as a spreadsheet. The CSV option may be slightly more reliable.

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