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Andy Theuninck edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

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Quick Start

Tenders are the various forms of payments your store accepts. The recommended option is to load up the defaults provided. You can remove ones you don't want later.

Editing Tenders

Go to Admin => Tenders (Site Map: Tenders)

  • Code is the key sequence used to enter a tender at the front end. It's recommended you don't edit these for the standard set of tenders including by default (see Quick Start). Doing so may cause incompatibilities with the mainstream front end code.
  • Name and Change Msg are what will show up on screen as well as on receipts when a tender is used.
  • Change Type is the tender type used for change records.
  • Min and Max are soft limits for a tender type. If an entry is outside this range, the cashier is promted to confirm the amount was not a miskey.
  • Refund Limit does't really do anything. Options to add and remove tenders are at the bottom of the page.

Change Records

Every complete transaction will have a change record (even if it's for zero dollars). The default behavior is denominate all change as cash (code "CA"). Some stores prefer having change from different types of tenders separately - for example, treating cashback from a debit transaction differently than change given to a customer paying cash. The distinction mainly involves reconciliation practices and sometimes the format of card processor reports of authorizations, amounts, etc. If you don't have a preexisting preference, the default behavior is probably fine.

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