A compilation of resources for general computational science It'll tend to be heavily biased towards my work, but hopefully be useful nevertheless.
- libMesh
- FEniCS: Automated PDE solving using finite elements.
- Feel++
- deal.II
- SU2
- Moose
- Elmer
- Kratos
- Advanced Simulation Library
- ngsolve
- Armadillo
- Eigen: Header-only linear algebra library using expression templates.
- Elemental
- PetSc
- SuiteSparse
- Solving PDEs in Python - The FEniCS tutorial Volume 1: ~150 pages.
- Automated Solutions of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method: ~750 pages.
- A gentle introduction to the Finite Element Method: ~100 pages.
- Finite Difference Computing with Exponential Decay Models: ~250 pages.
- Matrix Computations: ~700 pages.
- Archer: OpenMP thread sanitizer.