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Derpduck edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 97 revisions

Welcome to the L4D2 Competitive Stripper Rework wiki!

This wiki is no longer maintained, refer to the changelog for up-to-date changes.

This wiki documents all map changes made in this project, and contains guides for creating your own map changes and setting the project up on your server.

The Valve Developer Wiki provides comprehensive and reliable information for all aspects L4D2 modding and mapping.

Useful Valve Developer Wiki Pages


Technical Guides

  1. Server Installation Guide - Integrating with your config
  2. Stripper:Source Guide - Basics
  3. Stripper:Source Guide - Advanced
  4. Hammer Editor Guide

Design & Contribution Guides

  1. Contribution Style Guide
  2. Design Goals

Miscellaneous Guides

  1. Viewing Changes In Game
  2. Understanding Bitwise Operations and Spawnflags
  3. Ladder Modification
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