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Crash Course 2 Truck Depot

Derpduck edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 17 revisions

Crash Course Maps

  1. Alleys
  2. Truck Depot

Distance Points

Vanilla: 600
Zonemod 1.9.X: 800
Rework: 800

Tank Ban Range

Vanilla: N/A
Zonemod 1.9.X: N/A
Rework: N/A

Event Horde Limit

Vanilla: N/A
Zonemod 1.9.X: N/A
Rework: N/A

Director & Event Modification

  • Reduced the difficulty and length of the finale:
    • Only the second event tank will spawn, the first event tank is skipped.
    • Each horde stage is now only 1 panic event horde, instead of 2 panic event hordes.
    • Reduced the delay between stages.
    • Survivors no longer have to restart the generator, it will restart by itself as the finale ends.
  • Made the generator to start the finale glow to help unfamiliar players.

Map Items

  • Fixed finale pills disappearing.
  • Increased melee weapon spawn density.
  • Added a melee weapon in the warehouse opposite the saferoom.
  • Added a melee weapon in the back of the army truck before the alarm car.
  • Made the guns by the humvee near the alarm car always spawn.
  • Made the guns in the corner by the army truck and bus always spawn.
  • Added a potential melee spawn in the warehouse on the left before the shipping yard.
  • Made the gun by the shipping container area ammo pile always spawn.

Ammo Piles

  • Made the ammo pile in the shipping container area always spawn.


  • Reduced the number of hittables:
    • Cars: From 19 to 11
    • Dumpsters: From 9 to 6

Developer Note: While this may still seem like a lot of hittables, many of the remaining ones are in less accessible locations or are at the very end of the map where they won't see much use

Exploits Blocked

  • Blocked survivors from climbing on the generator poles in the finale area.

Out of Bounds

Stuck Spots

Nuisance & Quality of Life Changes

  • Solidified police barricade by the crashed bus.
  • Added clipping to help players get into the escape vehicle without jumping.
  • Blocked LOS under buses in the truck depot.


Ladder / Elevator Attack Nerf

Map Sounds

  • Truck lowering sound fades out after a few seconds.

Particles and Visual Effects




  • Added an infected ladder to prevent a perma-stuck spot behind a fence near the saferoom.
  • Added an infected ladder to climb on the upper roof by the alarm car, above the shipping yard warehouse to access the skylight.
  • Added an infected ladder to climb onto platform before the warehouses.
  • Added an infected ladder to climb up warehouse shelves in the shipping yard area.
  • Added an infected ladder to climb up a truck by the fire barrel.
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