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Releases: GoogleCloudPlatform/opentelemetry-operations-go

v0.35.0 and v1.11.0

30 Jan 18:05
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What's Changed

  • Do not mutate incoming metrics by @dmitryax in #542
  • Update linters to match upstream settings by @damemi in #537
  • Makefile, fix 'egrep is obsolescent' warning by @zchee in #546
  • Fix GetClientOptions conflicts with default credentials by @dashpole in #548
  • GMP name normalization by @dashpole in #553
  • Bump opentelemetry-go versions to latest stable/unstable by @lrascao in #549
  • Support multi-project quota usage by @damemi in #555
  • Add github actions tests by @dashpole in #557
  • Remove circleci and unneeded makefile variables by @dashpole in #561
  • Implement push scenario for test server by @dashpole in #563
  • Add resource mappings for cloud run, cloud functions, and GAE by @dashpole in #562
  • Add cloud run and GAE integration tests by @dashpole in #567
  • Fix race in user agent test by @dashpole in #568
  • Remove monitored resource mappings for Cloud run and cloud functions by @dashpole in #570
  • Add target_info metric for GMP exporter by @damemi in #566
  • Add cloud functions e2e test by @dashpole in #552
  • Mark gcp resource detector stable by @dashpole in #569
  • Include service attributes in logs exporter by default by @damemi in #564
  • (logs exporter) Use a copy of shared log labels to prevent interference between LogRecords by @damemi in #573
  • Add otel_scope_info metric to GMP exporter by @damemi in #571
  • Add scope_info labels to all GMP metrics where available by @damemi in #574
  • Bump Cloud Trace library to v1.8.0 by @damemi in #550
  • Add gzip compression option to metrics and logs by @damemi in #576
  • Prepare release v1.11.0 and v0.35.0 by @damemi in #577

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.34.2...v0.35.0

v0.34.2 and v1.10.2

29 Nov 17:17
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What's Changed

  • chore: update all dependencies by @dashpole in #519
  • make propagator its own module by @dashpole in #521
  • exporter/metric: fix indent on by @zchee in #523
  • exporter/trace: more readable to if else condition by @zchee in #522
  • Default to using FindDeafultCredentials for credentials by @dashpole in #527
  • Dont attempt to create metric descriptors for metrics without an aggregation or data points by @dashpole in #530
  • Allow extra resource attributes to be parsed to LogEntry labels by @damemi in #531
  • Disable create metric descriptors by @avilevy18 in #532
  • Drop histogram metrics with no non-zero bucket values by @damemi in #533
  • Add regex matching to resource attribute filters by @damemi in #535
  • [chore] Update OTel dependencies by @dmitryax in #538
  • Prepare release v0.34.2 and v1.10.2 by @damemi in #539
  • Fix propagator package in release.go by @damemi in #540

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.34.1...v0.34.2

v0.34.1 and v1.10.1

13 Oct 19:40
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.34.0...v0.34.1

v0.34.0 and v1.10.0

13 Oct 14:31
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Breaking changes to the Metric SDK exporter

  • Remove deprecated functions prior to next release by @dashpole in #509
  • Change default metric prefix for SDK exporter to by @dashpole in #495
  • Add display name to metric descriptors for SDK metric exporter by @dashpole in #497
  • Use the resourcemapping package to map SDK metrics to monitored resources by @dashpole in #501
  • Add service labels to GCM metrics exporter by @dashpole in #508



  • Make SDK metric exporter methods safe to use concurrently by @dashpole in #500
  • Set MetricDescriptor.Labels in SDK metrics exporter by @dashpole in #496

Bug fixes

  • Convert non-monotonic sums to gauges in the SDK exporter by @dashpole in #502
  • Correctly sanitize metric label keys in the SDK metric exporter by @dashpole in #498

What's Changed

  • Run collector metrics integration tests on the SDK metrics exporter by @dashpole in #494
  • Enable testing the SDK exporter using collector integration tests by @dashpole in #503
  • Update otel-go to the latest metric release by @dashpole in #512
  • Remove trace exporter dependency on otelhttp by @dashpole in #514
  • Prepare for v1.10.0 and v0.34.0 by @dashpole in #513

Full Changelog: v0.33.0...v0.34.0

v0.33.0 and v1.9.0

30 Sep 18:12
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New SDK metrics exporter

opentelemetry-go recently released a newly-rewritten (and spec-compliant) metrics API and SDK with v0.32.1. This opentelemetry-operations-go release is compatible with that new API + SDK. With that, we've made a few breaking changes to the SDK metrics exporter:

  • NewRawExporter is deprecated in favor of New.
  • NewExportPipeline is deprecated in favor of New + metric.NewMeterProvider.
  • InstallNewPipeline is deprecated in favor of New + metric.NewMeterProvider + global.SetMeterProvider.
  • WithOnError option is removed. Use otel.SetErrorHandler instead.
  • WithInterval option is removed. Use metric.WithInterval when you instantiate metric.NewPeriodicReader instead.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.32.8...v0.33.0

v0.32.8 and v1.8.8

15 Sep 16:29
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.32.7...v0.32.8

V0.32.7 and v1.8.7

01 Sep 20:13
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.32.6...v0.32.7

v0.32.6 and v1.8.6

16 Aug 17:57
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.32.5...v0.32.6

v1.8.5 and v0.32.5

09 Aug 18:14
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.32.4...v0.32.5

v1.8.4 and v0.32.4

09 Aug 18:14
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What's Changed

  • Remove GMP factory functions and readme by @damemi in #452
  • Add client option for GRPC connection pool size by @damemi in #455
  • Add traces integration tests by @damemi in #457
  • Add Makefile target to generate test fixtures by @damemi in #460
  • Organize integration test cases by type by @damemi in #461
  • Upgrade otel-collector to v0.56.0, and otel-go to v1.8.0 by @bogdandrutu in #463

Full Changelog: v0.32.3...v0.32.4