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Serial API

Andrew St. Yves edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 15 revisions


<cr> = carriage return.

Hotel 1 refers to the plate stacker hotel furthest from the gripping arm.

Hotel 2 refers to the plate stacker hotel nearest to the gripping arm.

Port Configuration

The serial port connection needs to be configured as follows:

  • Baud Rate: 9600
  • Data bits: 8
  • Parity: none
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Flow control: none


The Scorpion has two types of commands: Action Commands and Query Commands.

Action Commands

Action commands tell the instrument to perform a specified movement. A command that is successfully sent to the instrument is responded to immediately with ok<cr>. Commands that are invalid or unsuccessfully sent to the instrument are responded to with err<cr>.

After an action command is sent you can query the instrument for its status using the Status Query command until the instrument is no longer busy before sending the next action command. IMPORTANT: It is recommended you wait 200-500 ms after sending the action command before you query the instrument for its status.

The following is a list of the currently supported actions. Click on the link to be taken to a page describing the command purpose and how to use it

Query Commands