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BSC Developer Ecosystem

A guide to available tools, components, and platforms for developing applications on BSC.

This list was spurred by the ConsenSys, and we verified most of the parts on BSC. We hope both new and experienced blockchain developers can benefit from this list.

Contributions are welcome!

Feel free to submit a pull request, with anything from small fixes to tools you'd like to add (or remove!). If adding a new tool, please add a brief description that you think new developers would understand.

  • Projects that do not have a working product will not be added.
  • Projects that are deprecated or no longer maintained will be removed.
  • Projects that are paid/restricted services without open source code or developer reviews will be further vetted.

Developer Tools

We separate the support of tools/infra into:

  • ✔️ seamless support.
  • ✅ need custom config bsc network.

Developing Smart Contracts

Smart Contract Languages

Name Description Support
Solidity Ethereum smart contracting language ✔️
Vyper New experimental pythonic programming language ✔️


Name Description Support
Truffle Most popular smart contract development, testing, and deployment framework.
Embark Framework for DApp development
Waffle Framework for advanced smart contract development and testing, small, flexible, fast (based on ethers.js)
Dapp - Framework for DApp development, successor to DApple
OpenZeppelin SDK OpenZeppelin SDK: A suite of tools to help you develop, compile, upgrade, deploy and interact with smart contracts.
0xcert JavaScript framework for building decentralized applications


Name Description Support
Remix Web IDE with built in static analysis, test blockchain VM ✔️
[Intellij Solidity Plugin] Open-source plug-in for JetBrains IntelliJ Idea IDE ✔️

Other tools

Name Description Support
Buidler Extensible developer tool that helps smart contract developers increase productivity by reliably bringing together the tools they want.
Azure Blockchain Dev Kit for BSC for VSCode VSCode extension that allows for creating smart contracts and deploying them inside of Visual Studio Code

Test blockchain networks

Name Description Support
bscnode Run an BSC node for development ✔️
Ganache App for test BSC blockchain with visual UI and logs, except for some precompile contract, the rest is same ✔️
Local BSC Network User can simply set up a bsc network using clique consensus ✔️

Test Ether faucets

Name Description Support
BSC faucet BSC testnet faucet, support BEP20 as well ✔️

Communicating with BSC

Frontend BSC APIs

Name Description Support
Web3.js Javascript Web3 ✔️
Eth.js Javascript Web3 alternative ✔️
Ethers.js Javascript Web3 alternative, useful utilities and wallet features ✔️
light.js A high-level reactive JS library optimized for light clients ✔️
Web3Wrapper Typescript Web3 alternative ✔️
Ethereumjs A collection of utility functions for Ethereum like ethereumjs-util and ethereumjs-tx ✔️
flex-contract and flex-ether Modern, zero-configuration, high-level libraries for interacting with smart contracts and making transactions. ✔️
web3x A TypeScript port of web3.js. Benefits includes tiny builds and full type safety, including when interacting with contracts. ✔️
Nethereum Cross-platform Ethereum development framework ✔️
Drizzle Redux library to connect a frontend to a blockchain 10
Tasit SDK A JavaScript SDK for making native mobile Ethereum dapps using React Native ✔️
Subproviders Several useful subproviders to use in conjunction with Web3-provider-engine (including a LedgerSubprovider for adding Ledger hardware wallet support to your dApp) ✔️
web3-react React framework for building single-page Ethereum dApps ✔️
ethvtx ethereum-ready & framework-agnostic redux store configuration. docs ✔️
ChainAbstractionLayer Communicate with different blockchains (including Ethereum) using a single interface. ✔️
Delphereum a Delphi interface to the Ethereum blockchain that allows for development of native dApps for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. ✔️

Backend BSC APIs

Name Description Support Python Web3 ✔️
Web3.php PHP Web3 ✔️
Ethereum-php PHP Web3 ✔️
Web3j Java Web3 ✔️
Nethereum .Net Web3 ✔️
Ethereum.rb Ruby Web3 ✔️
Web3.hs Haskell Web3 ✔️
KEthereum Kotlin Web3 ✔️
Eventeum A bridge between Ethereum smart contract events and backend microservices, written in Java by Kauri ✔️
Ethereumex Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain ✔️
Ethereum-jsonrpc-gateway A gateway that allows you to run multiple Ethereum nodes for redundancy and load-balancing purposes. Can be ran as an alternative to (or on top of) Infura. Written in Golang. ✔️
EthContract A set of helper methods to help query ETH smart contracts in Elixir ✔️
Ethereum Contract Service A MESG Service to interact with any Ethereum contract based on its address and ABI. ✔️
Ethereum Service A MESG Service to interact with events from Ethereum and interact with it. ✔️
Marmo Python, JS, and Java SDK for simplifying interactions with Ethereum. Uses relayers to offload transaction costs to relayers. ✔️

Bootstrap/out of box tools

Name Description Support
Truffle boxes Packaged components for the Ethereum ecosystem
Private networks deployment scripts Out-of-the-box deployment scripts for private PoA networks ✔️
Local Ethereum Network Out-of-the-box deployment scripts for private PoW networks ✔️
Cheshire A local sandbox implementation of the CryptoKitties API and smart contracts, available as a Truffle Box ✔️
aragonCLI aragonCLI is used to create and develop Aragon apps and organizations. ✔️
ArcJS Library that facilitates javascript application access to the DAOstack Arc ethereum smart contracts. ✔️
Blocknative Assist.js is an embeddable widget that improves Dapp usability. The tool programmatically identifies and outlines clear actions for end-users to follow when interacting with MetaMask to overcome — and even prevent — common pitfalls and obstacles. ✔️

Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface) tools

Name Description Support
ABI decoder library for decoding data params and events from Ethereum transactions ✔️
ABI-gen Generate Typescript contract wrappers from contract ABI's. ✔️
Ethereum ABI UI Auto-generate UI form field definitions and associated validators from an Ethereum contract ABI ✔️
headlong type-safe Contract ABI and Recursive Length Prefix library in Java ✔️
Truffle Pig a development tool that provides a simple HTTP API to find and read from Truffle-generated contract files, for use during local development. Serves fresh contract ABIs over http. ✔️
Ethereum Contract Service A MESG Service to interact with any Ethereum contract based on its address and ABI. ✔️
Nethereum-CodeGenerator A web based generator which creates a Nethereum based C# Interface and Service based on Solidity Smart Contracts. ✔️


Ethereum Clients

Name Description Support
Seth Seth is an Ethereum client tool—like a "MetaMask for the command line"
Ankr support deploy BSC by one click, and provide instant API access to major blockchain and DeFi protocols. ✔️


Name Description Support
Whisper Communication protocol for DApps to communicate with each other, a native base layer service of the Ethereum web3 stack
DEVp2p Wire Protocol Peer-to-peer communications between nodes running Ethereum/Whisper
Pydevp2p Python implementation of the RLPx network layer ✔️
3Box Threads API to allow developers to implement IPFS persisted, or in memory peer to peer messaging.

Testing Tools

Name Description Support
Solidity code coverage Solidity code coverage tool ✔️
Solidity coverage Alternative code coverage for Solidity smart-contracts ✔️
Solidity function profiler Solidity contract function profiler ✔️
Sol-profiler Alternative and updated Solidity smart contract profiler ✔️
Espresso Speedy, parallelised, hot-reloading solidity test framework ✔️
Eth tester Tool suite for testing Ethereum applications ✔️
Cliquebait Simplifies integration and accepting testing of smart contract applications with docker instances that closely resembles a real blockchain network ✔️
Hevm The hevm project is an implementation of the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) made specifically for unit testing and debugging smart contracts ✔️
Ethereum graph debugger Solidity graphical debugger ✔️
Tenderly CLI Speed up your development with human readable stack traces ✔️
Solhint Solidity linter that provides security, style guide and best practice rules for smart contract validation ✔️
Ethlint Linter to identify and fix style & security issues in Solidity, formerly Solium ✔️
Decode npm package which parses tx's submitted to a local testrpc node to make them more readable and easier to understand ✔️
truffle-assertions An npm package with additional assertions and utilities used in testing Solidity smart contracts with truffle. Most importantly, it adds the ability to assert whether specific events have (not) been emitted. ✔️
Psol Solidity lexical preprocessor with mustache.js-style syntax, macros, conditional compilation and automatic remote dependency inclusion. ✔️
solpp Solidity preprocessor and flattener with a comprehensive directive and expression language, high precision math, and many useful helper functions. ✔️
Decode and Publish Decode and publish raw ethereum tx. Similar to ✔️
Doppelgänger a library for mocking smart contract dependencies during unit testing. ✔️
rocketh A simple lib to test ethereum smart contract that allow to use whatever web3 lib and test runner you choose. ✔️
pytest-cobra PyTest plugin for testing smart contracts for Ethereum blockchain. ✔️

Security Tools

Name Description Support
MythX Security verification platform and tools ecosystem for Ethereum developers ✔️
Mythril Open-source EVM bytecode security analysis tool ✔️
Oyente Alternative static smart contract security analysis ✔️
Securify Security scanner for Ethereum smart contracts ✔️
SmartCheck Static smart contract security analyzer ✔️
Ethersplay EVM disassembler ✔️
Evmdis Alternative EVM disassembler ✔️
Hydra Framework for cryptoeconomic contract security, decentralised security bounties ✔️
Solgraph Visualise Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis ✔️
Manticore Symbolic execution tool on Smart Contracts and Binaries ✔️
Slither A Solidity static analysis framework ✔️
Adelaide The SECBIT static analysis extension to Solidity compiler ✔️
solc-verify A modular verifier for Solidity smart contracts ✔️
Solidity security blog Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns ✔️
Awesome Buggy ERC20 Tokens A Collection of Vulnerabilities in ERC20 Smart Contracts With Tokens Affected ✔️
Free Smart Contract Security Audit Free smart contract security audits from Callisto Network ✔️
Piet A visual Solidity architecture analyzer ✔️


Other Miscellaneous Tools

Name Description Support
Neufund - Smart Contract Watch A tool to monitor a number of smart contracts and transactions
BlockScout A tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains. The only full featured blockchain explorer for Ethereum networks.
Terminal A control panel for monitoring dapps. Terminal can be used to monitor your users, dapp, blockchain infrastructure, transactions and more.
Ethereum-watcher An extensible framework written in Golang for listening to on-chain events and doing something in response.

Other Miscellaneous Tools

Name Description Support
aragonPM a decentralized package manager powered by aragonOS and Ethereum. aragonPM enables decentralized governance over package upgrades, removing centralized points of failure. ✔️
Truffle boxes Packaged components for building DApps fast.
Solc Solidity compiler ✔️
Sol-compiler Project-level Solidity compiler ✔️
Solidity cli Compile solidity-code faster, easier and more reliable ✔️
Solidity flattener Combine solidity project to flat file utility. Useful for visualizing imported contracts or for verifying your contract on Etherscan ✔️
Sol-merger Alternative, merges all imports into single file for solidity contracts ✔️
RLP Recursive Length Prefix Encoding in JavaScript ✔️
Eth crypto Cryptographic javascript-functions for Ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity ✔️
Parity Signer mobile app allows signing transactions ✔️
py-eth Collection of Python tools for the Ethereum ecosystem ✔️
truffle-flattener Concats solidity files developed under Truffle with all of their dependencies ✔️
Decode npm package which parses tx's submitted to a local testrpc node to make them more readable and easier to understand ✔️
TypeChain Typescript bindings for Ethereum smartcontracts ✔️
EthSum A Simple Ethereum Address Checksum Tool ✔️
PHP based Blockchain indexer allows indexing blocks or listening to Events in PHP
Purser JavaScript universal wallet tool for Ethereum-based wallets. Supports software, hardware, and Metamask -- brings all wallets into a consistent and predictable interface for dApp development. ✔️
Node-Metamask Connect to MetaMask from node.js ✔️
Solidity-docgen Documentation generator for Solidity projects ✔️
Ethereum ETL Export Ethereum blockchain data to CSV or JSON files
prettier-plugin-solidity Prettier plugin for formatting Solidity code ✔️
Unity3dSimpleSample Ethereum and Unity integration demo ✔️
Flappy Ethereum and Unity integration demo/sample ✔️
Wonka Nethereum business rules engine demo/sample ✔️
Resolver-Engine A set of tools to standarize Solidity import and artifact resolution in frameworks. ✔️
Ethereum-tx-sender A useful library written in Golang to reliably send a transaction — abstracting away some of the tricky low level details such as gas optimization, nonce calculations, synchronization, and retries. ✔️

Popular Smart Contract Libraries

Name Description Support
Zeppelin Contains tested reusable smart contracts like SafeMath and OpenZeppelin SDK library for smart contract upgradeability ✔️
cryptofin-solidity A collection of Solidity libraries for building secure and gas-efficient smart contracts on Ethereum. ✔️
Modular Libraries A group of packages built for use on blockchains utilising the Ethereum Virtual Machine ✔️
DateTime Library A gas-efficient Solidity date and time library ✔️
Aragon DAO protocol. Contains aragonOS smart contract framework with focus on upgradeability and governance ✔️
ARC an operating system for DAOs and the base layer of the DAO stack. ✔️
0x DEX protocol ✔️
Token Libraries with Proofs Contains correctness proofs of token contracts wrt. given specifications and high-level properties ✔️
Provable API Provides contracts for using the Provable service, allowing for off-chain actions, data-fetching, and computation ✔️

Prebuilt UI Components

Name Description Support
aragonUI A React library including Dapp components ✔️ A React library including Dapp components ✔️ A React library including Dapp components ✔️
dapparatus Reusable React Dapp components ✔️
Metamask ui Metamask React Components ✔️
DappHybrid A cross-platform hybrid hosting mechanism for web based decentralised applications ✔️
Nethereum.UI.Desktop Cross-platform desktop wallet sample ✔️
eth-button Minimalist donation button ✔️
Rimble Design System Adaptable components and design standards for decentralized applications. ✔️
3Box Plugins Drop in react components for social functionality. Including comments, profiles and messaging. ✔️
Atra Blockchain Services Atra provides web services to help you build, deploy, and maintain decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. ✔️

Dapp Tools

Name Description Support manage approval of account ✔️


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