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Datum Capture Part 3

Matt Magoffin edited this page Apr 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

SolarNode Datum Capture Plug-in Example, Part 3

This guide explains how to add support for localized messages in the Settings API to your Foobar Power SolarNode plug-in. If you have not read part two you will want to go back and follow that part first before continuing here.

The source for this part of the guide is available as well.

In this part we will:

  1. Examine our Spring MessageSource configuration
  2. Add localized message properties

To see why this is useful, take a closer look at how the SolarNode GUI rendered our component in part two of our guide:

Foobar component configuration screen in the SolarNode GUI

The label for our configurable sourceId property looks like a snippet of broken code: jobService.datumDataSour. It would be better to display a friendly label instead, one that can also be localized to different languages.

The Spring MessageSource API

The SolarNode Settings API makes use of Spring Framework's MessageSource API to allow bundles to expose localized messages to the SolarNode application. You may recall there was a method in the net.solarnetwork.settings.SettingSpecifierProvider API that returned a MessageSource:

 * Get a MessageSource to localize the setting text.
 * <p>
 * This method can return {@literal null} if the provider does not have any
 * localized resources.
 * </p>
 * @return the MessageSource, or {@literal null}
MessageSource getMessageSource();

In our Foobar implementation we can return a ResourceBundleMessageSource which will allow us to add standard Java java.util.ResourceBundle properties files containing our localized messages.

Add MessageSource configuration for component title

You might have noticed that the SolarNode GUI already displays the name Foobar Power in many places. That name comes from the SettingSpecifierProviderFactory we configured in the bundle's OSGi Blueprint module.xml file, on line 3 here:

<service interface="net.solarnetwork.settings.SettingSpecifierProviderFactory">
	<bean class="">
		<property name="displayName" value="Foobar Power"/>
		<property name="factoryUid" value="net.solarnetwork.node.example.datum_capture.foobar"/>
		<property name="messageSource" ref="messageSource"/>

Notice line 5 of that snippet configures a messageSource property that refers to the <bean id="messageSource"> definition, which is defined as:

<bean id="messageSource" class="">
	<property name="basenames">

That defines a ResourceBundleMessageSource with a basenames value of a list of resource bundle names, starting with our datum data source's class name: net.solarnetwork.node.example.datum_capture.FoobarDatumDataSource. This is a conventional way of naming these localized resources. Let us provide a default message property file (this guide will not go into details on how to create localized copies of this default file, read up on ResourceBundle for that). The properties file must be named and located in the same directory (package) as our file.

View of plug-in project with resource bundle file added

Add the following contents:

title = Amazing Foobar Power Inverter
desc = A demonstration of a datum data source for a fictional solar power inverter device.

That is a much more exciting name for our fictional inverter, and a more detailed description! Now you can start up (or restart if still running) the SolarNode OSGi runtime in Eclipse, and then refresh the settings screen in your browser. You should now see the following:

Amazing Foobar Power Inverter component shown on main settings screen in the SolarNode GUI

The SolarNode GUI uses the supplied title in place of the one defined in the XML configuration. If you click on the Manage button to view the detail screen for this component, you should see the following:

Localized messages on the datum data source settings screen

If this does not reinforce the name of our inverter in user's minds I am not sure what will.

Add MessageSource configuration for component properties

We have provided a nice localizable title for our inverter, but now we must provide a localized name for our configurable sourceId property. Recall that in our Blueprint definition for our FoobarDatumDataSource class we had the following:

<bean class="net.solarnetwork.node.example.datum_capture.FoobarDatumDataSource">
	<property name="messageSource" ref="jobMessageSource"/>

<bean id="jobMessageSource" class="net.solarnetwork.node.util.PrefixedMessageSource">
	<property name="prefix" value="datumDataSource."/>
	<property name="delegate" ref="messageSource"/>

We have configured the FoobarDatumDataSource class to use the jobMessageSource bean as its messageSource. This is necessary because we are wrapping the data source within a periodic job (the net.solarnetwork.node.job.SimpleManagedJob class). It is the SimpleManagedJob object that actually appears at runtime to the SolarNode settings system, not FoobarDatumDataSource. Did you wonder where that Schedule setting came from, seeing as you never defined a setting for that yourself?

Component job schedule setting

Well SimpleManagedJob implements SettingSpecifierProvider as well, it turns out, and it provided that setting, and the resource bundle provides the localized message for it.

If you then inspect the HTML in the settings GUI of the sourceId setting label you will find the full text, which is the localized message key the GUI is trying to render:


Where did that come from? If you look closely back at the Blueprint XML, we have this:

<bean class="net.solarnetwork.node.job.SimpleManagedJob">
		<bean class="net.solarnetwork.node.job.DatumDataSourcePollManagedJob">
			<property name="datumDataSource">
				<bean class="net.solarnetwork.node.example.datum_capture.FoobarDatumDataSource">

The SimpleManagedJob adds a jobService. prefix to all the setting keys returned from the configured DatumDataSourcePollManagedJob, so that is where the jobService. start to the message key comes from. The DatumDataSourcePollManagedJob returns all the settings of the configured FoobarDatumDataSource. Following Spring Framework's property accessor syntax, hopefully the rest of the message key starts to make sense: datumDataSource. gets us to the FoobarDatumDataSource object and the final sourceId is the sourceId setting we configured in our plug-in.

It can quickly get your head spinning if you are unfamiliar to all this stuff, so just trust that this setup allows us to configure our data source property messages in the file we created. Let us add some messages to that file now, to provide a name and description for the sourceId setting

sourceId.key = Source ID
sourceId.desc = A unique name to give to this specific inverter. If you have more than \
	one inverter, you should give each of them a unique Source ID value, for example \
	<code>Inverter1</code>, <code>Inverter2</code>, etc.

We have added two properties here: sourceId.key and sourceId.desc. The SolarNode GUI expects all property message label keys to follow the pattern <property>.key and corresponding description keys to follow the pattern <property>.desc. The .desc message is used to give users a concise tip as to the purpose of the associated configurable property.

Now you can start up (or restart if still running) the SolarNode OSGi runtime in Eclipse, and then refresh the component screen in your browser. You should now see the following:

Localized sourceId settings in the SolarNode GUI

That is much better indeed, as far as users will be concerned.


In Part 4 we will show how to add an Apache Ant build script so the bundle can be built from the command line.

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