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SolarNode Motion Camera Integration Guide

Matt Magoffin edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 5 revisions

SolarNode motion camera integration guide

This guide describes how to integrate a security camera with and the motion detection library with SolarNode, so that images and/or video events captured by motion can be logged by SolarNode as a datum stream and the media uploaded to AWS S3. Additionally, snapshot images can be captured on-demand via the SolarNetwork instruction API. These features can be quite useful for operational maintenance and security aspects of SolarNode deployments.


You'll need the following things before starting:

  • a SolarNode device that has already been deployed and associated with a SolarNetwork account
  • a camera that is supported by motion and accessible to SolarNode, i.e. via a USB connection or network connection
  • an S3 bucket and associated AWS token credentials that have permission to create files in a location within it

Install/configure motion

First you need to install the motion software. For Debian based systems like SolarNodeOS this is available as the motion package, so you can install it like

sudo apt-get install motion

Once installed, configure motion to process your camera's video stream and save motion detected images and/or motion detected video clips to the node's local filesystem. In Debian systems, the default location for captured media is /var/lib/motion.

Also consider that the SolarNode application will need to be able to access the media files captured, so will need to have the right file system permissions. In Debian systems, motion runs as the motion user in the adm group. In SolarNodeOS, the sn-motion package can be installed which will automatically add the solar user to the adm group, as well as install a helpful periodic job to delete old media files so they don't accumulate forever. Install that like:

sudo apt-get install sn-motion

S3 Storage Service

Install the SolarNode S3 Storage Service plugin onto your node. This plugin will enable SolarNode to upload the image/video media captured by motion to S3. Once installed, configure a S3 Storage Service component with your S3 details. You can configure the S3 Path setting with a folder path to have all media files get stored within that folder. If the Node ID Path setting is enabled, then your node's unique ID will be added to the S3 Path prefix as another folder segment.

You must give the component a unique Service Name, which we will refer to later on. The value doesn't matter, other than being something that makes sense to you and is unique on your node. In the example image below, the Service Name is configured as Camera Storage:

S3 Storage Service SolarNode settings

Storage Service Upload

Next install the SolarNode Storage Service Upload plugin onto your node. This plugin provides a Storage Service File Watcher component that will watch for newly created or modified files and copy them to a Storage Service. In our case, we want to configure one of these components to watch the directory motion saves its media files to (e.g. /var/lib/motion) and copy them to the S3 Storage Service we configured in the previous section. Continuing with the example settings used in this guide, the following values should be configured:

Setting Value
Storage Service Camera Storage — as configured on the S3 Storage Service component.
Path /var/lib/motion — as configured in motion.
Filter .+\.jpg — to only upload JPEG images. Can tweak to also upload movies if you need.
Datum Source ID /camera/1/motion — the source ID of the generated datum stream, set to any sensible value.

Storage Service File Watcher settings

Verify working

At this point if everything is configured correctly then after motion captures an image SolarNode should notice and upload the image to S3 and generate a datum for that event. You can verify that the images are being uploaded to S3 by watching the SolarNode log file (use sn-log-tail -f in SolarNodeOS and that the files appear in S3. You can verify the generated datum by using the SolarNetwork API Explorer with the /datum/mostRecent or /datum/list endpoints. For example (substitute your node and source IDs):

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "totalResults": 1,
    "startingOffset": 0,
    "returnedResultCount": 1,
    "results": [
        "created": "2019-10-23 01:09:44.321Z",
        "nodeId": 123,
        "sourceId": "/camera/1/motion",
        "localDate": "2019-10-23",
        "localTime": "14:09",
        "size": 23751,
        "url": "",
        "path": "1-01-20191023140914-01.jpg"

Configure on-demand snapshot support

To enable using the SolarNetwork instruction API to request motion capture a new snapshot image, you can install the SolarNode Camera Control via Motion plugin. This plugin uses the motion webcontrol API to perform this task, so that must be enabled in motion.

⚠️ Note: by default motion's webcontrol listens on port 8080, which is the same port SolarNode listens on by default. You should configure motion to listen on a different port, using the webcontrol_port configuration parameter.

The Camera Control via Motion component must be configured with settings that match how motion is configured:

Setting Value
Control ID /camera/1 — the control ID to refer to this component by, set to any sensible value.
Motion URL http://localhost:8180 — the URL of the motion webcontrol service.
Media Path /var/lib/motion — as configured in motion.
Media Filter .+\.jpg — to identify non-snapshot images, as configured in motion.
Snapshot Media Filter .+-snapshot\.jpg — to identify snapshot images, as configured in motion.

Once configured, refresh the setup page and the latest motion-triggered image and manually-triggered snapshot image should appear, as shown here:

Camera Control via Motion settings

To request a new snapshot image, this control supports a snapshot Signal instruction. Thus to request a new snapshot, a POST call to /solaruser/api/v1/sec/instr/add with a body like this would work:


In the SolarNetwork API Explorer you would just include the POST body as query parameters, like this:


Once executed by the node and motion generates a new snapshot, that snapshot will be uploaded to S3 and a new datum generated, just like any other image created by motion.


That's all for this guide. We hope it was helpful for integrating security camera footage into your SolarNode deployment.

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