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OCPP enumerated types

Matt Magoffin edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

This page lists the enumerated types used throughout the SolarUser OCPP API.

Charge session end reason

When a charge session (transaction) stops, the charger can report a reason why. The possible reasons are listed here:

Value Description
DeAuthorized The transaction was stopped because of the authorization status in a start transaction.
EVDisconnected The disconnecting of a cable, or vehicle moved away from inductive charge unit.
EmergencyStop Emergency stop button was used.
HardReset A hard reset command was received.
Local Stopped locally on request of the user at the Charge Point. This is a regular termination of a transaction. Examples: presenting an RFID tag, pressing a button to stop.
Other Any other reason.
PowerLoss Complete loss of power.
Reboot A locally initiated reset/reboot occurred (for instance watchdog kicked in).
Remote Stopped remotely on request of the user. This is a regular termination of a transaction. Examples: termination using a smartphone app, exceeding a (non local) prepaid credit.
SoftReset A soft reset command was received.
Unknown Unknown reason.
UnlockCommand An unlock connector command was received.

Connector error code

Chargers report an error code value for connectors, which can be one of the following:

Value Description
ConnectorLockFailure Failure to lock or unlock the connector.
EVCommunicationError Communication failure with the vehicle, might be Mode 3 or other communication protocol problem.
GroundFailure Ground fault circuit interrupter has been activated.
HighTemperature Temperature inside Charge Point is too high.
InternalError Error in internal hard- or software component.
LocalListConflict The authorization information received from the Central System is in conflict with the charger- local authorization list.
Mode3Error EV communication error, replaced by EVCommunicationError in later OCPP specifications.
NoError No error to report.
OtherError Other type of error.
OverCurrentFailure Over current protection device has tripped.
OverVoltage Voltage has risen above an acceptable level.
PowerMeterFailure Failure to read electrical/energy/power meter.
PowerSwitchFailure Failure to control power switch.
ReaderFailure Failure with idTag reader.
ResetFailure Unable to perform a reset.
UnderVoltage Voltage has dropped below an acceptable level.
WeakSignal Wireless communication device reports a weak signal.

Connector status

Chargers report a status value for connectors, which can be one of the following:

Value Description
Available The connector is available for a new user.
Occupied Replaced by Charging in later OCPP specifications.
Faulted When a Charge Point or connector has reported an error and is not available for energy delivery.
Unavailable When a connector becomes unavailable as the result of a ChangeAvailability action or an event upon which the Charge Point transitions to unavailable at its discretion.
Reserved When a connector becomes reserved as a result of a ReserveNow action.
Preparing When a connector becomes no longer available for a new user but there is no ongoing charging session (yet). Typically a connector is in this state when a user presents an authorization (e.g. RFID card), inserts a cable or a vehicle occupies the parking bay.
Charging When the contactor of a connector closes, allowing the vehicle to charge.
SuspendedEV When the EV is connected to the charger and the charger is offering energy but the EV is not taking any energy.
SuspendedEVSE When the EV is connected to the charger but the charger is not offering energy to the EV, e.g. due to a smart charging restriction, local supply power constraints, or as the result of StartTransaction action indicating that charging is not allowed.
Finishing When a charging session has stopped, but the connector is not yet available for a new user, e.g. the cable has not been removed or the vehicle has not left the parking bay.

Measurement location

The metering data captured by chargers includes a location qualifier that specifies where the measurement was captured from:

Value Description
Body Measurement inside body of Charge Point (e.g. Temperature).
Cable Measurement taken from cable between EV and Charge Point.
EV Measurement taken by EV.
Inlet Measurement at network (“grid”) inlet connection.
Outlet Measurement at a Connector. This is the default value if no location is specified.


For AC metering data captured by chargers includes a phase qualifier:

Value Description
L1 Measured on L1.
L2 Measured on L2.
L3 Measured on L3.
N Measured on Neutral.
L1N Measured on L1 with respect to Neutral conductor.
L2N Measured on L2 with respect to Neutral conductor.
L3N Measured on L3 with respect to Neutral conductor.
L1L2 Measured between L1 and L2.
L2L3 Measured between L2 and L3.
L3L1 Measured between L3 and L1.
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